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"I think it's time you think about the important stuff Hiccup! Like marriage!"
Gobber mused, resting his heavy arm across Hiccup's shoulders and leaning into him as they approached the gang's table.

Before their arrival, the entire table had been engaged in a food fight except for Astrid, but upon hearing the "M" word, their activities ceased immedietally as everyone but Astrid displayed a look of disgust and shock.

"Ew he said the M word!" Tuff pointed, throwing a piece of chicken at Gobber which he successfully ducked.

"I'm gonna throw up." Snotlout gagged.

"Thats for old people! Astrid! You're too young!" Ruffnut cried, crawling across table dramatically.

The general simply ignored the commotion as she continued to pick at her own chicken. Her anger was rising slowly but surely.

After a few moments of waiting, Gobber rolled his eyes and huffed, sliding in next to Astrid whilst dragging Hiccup beside him as well. The chief's protests were drowned out by Gobber's loud voice.

"Astrid! Please, you're the one wearing the pants in this relationship!" He begged.

Gobber then wrapped each arm around Astrid and Hiccup's necks respectfully and buried their faces into his chest as he said: "Just hang up your saddles and get married already!"

Hiccup's speech was muffled as he tried to get a few words in, but to no avail. Gobber released his death grip awhile later only to set loose a fuming Astrid.

"Wow Gobber! Not akward at all!" She yelled, before storming out of the great hall.

Hiccup rubbed his neck and sighed. "Look at what you've done Gobber! A mad Hofferson is difficult to calm down."

"She's your future wife. Deal with it." Gobber said distractedly, readjusting his prosthetic hand.

"Are you being serious? She was visibly upset- you know what i'll talk to her when I can." Hiccup sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"If she doesn't kill me on sight that is."

Hiccstrid Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now