Chapter 17

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The naive dog looked at me in glee, as if we were playmates meeting in the park and not two kidnapped children about to be thrown into the cruel hands of men.

"I've been waiting for you in the park but you never came!" He said excitedly, his eyes gleaming in joy as he held my hand.

"Sorry gege, my mommy wouldn't let me out these past few days!" I acted out with him and saw the kidnapper let out a smile.

In his eyes, it states 'I've hit the jackpot!' only if he knew that I was no more than a poor child who can't even have a new shirt. I bet if he knew then he would've thrown me out or if I became unlucky then I'll be silent out to prevent future troubles.

Sigh, I never thought that I'll become a savior of this guy, twice. Tsk, tsk, the rewards better be good!

"Uncle are we going to Disneyland?" I blinked my pretty eyes out and acted foolishly to lessen the vigilance of the kidnappers on our side.

"How did you know? Well, if the two of you behave then we'll even get some candies for you, you two just need to behave because Uncle needs to take another fried for you okay?"

I sneered inside but the naive foolish dog shook his head with a foolish smile on his face. Ugh, my left eye is throbbing, I think troubles would definitely arise today.

I just hope that the police would come quickly.


Meanwhile, Juan was having trouble looking for her daughter JuJu. She swears she saw her just a second ago and when she turned her back, JuJu was no longer in sight.

The longer she searches for her daughter the more her anxiety doubles. In the last few days, a lot of child trafficking and kidnapping was seen, she's afraid her JuJu might be one of those pitiful children who was caught.

"Hello Aunt, have you seen a child about three years old, hair in a braid and blue polka dots dress and bag?"

"Oh, I think I've seen her going inside a van, I thought it was her grandfather at that time"

Her blood ran cold at the information and her tears immediately fell. The middle-aged woman looked at her in panic and called the police.

"Don't worry girl, your child will be found don't worry!"

She couldn't hear the words being said to her as she collapsed to the ground, her face washed with tears.

She tremblingly pulled her pockets but her phone wasn't inside, then she remembered that it was taken by JuJu.

"Mommy what would I do if I get lost?"

Her mind went back four days ago when she heard her daughter asked her a question. She remembers telling her that she'll install a tracker on her phone since it's always on JuJu's hands these past few days.

That's right! She installed a tracker on her phone and it's currently on her child's hand.

Her weakened self from earlier rose and she ran off to the police officer in front.

"Mr. Police man, my d-daughter, she... tracker... phone" she stumbled upon her words, her head was humbled with thoughts of her daughter crying for her.

"We understand ma'am, we'll track your daughter as well"

Her head was still a bit muddled at that time, she was called into the office and was confirmed by another police officer before giving her statements.

She looks back and saw another woman, she was calling on her phone and was giving orders calmly. She was like a female general, so mighty and strong-willed that even from the loss of her child, she would still calmly accept it and search for him.

She heard that her son was also kidnapped by the same guy so she moves to her side and talks to her.

"Don't worry, the police will find our children" she comforted her, being a mother isn't easy and losing your child felt like you just lost a piece of your heart.

"My child has experienced it a lot of times so I'm no longer worried" she was taken aback at her words before nodding uncomfortably.

It seems like being a child from an affluent family doesn't mean all riches and glory. The woman on her side looks like a rich lady and the fact had cemented more when bodyguards came on her side.

"We will see each other again, I wish you the best" the woman nodded at her and she did the same.

She looks at the back of the woman, her back was straight and her steps can even match those of a man. She long to be like her too, to be strong and to face the world in confidence.

Chapter 17 is up!

Well, you've met Ruo Xi's mother, whatcha think about her?

Anyways, have a great day everyone! Stay safe and healthy!


Thank you!

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