You Live Under My House

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Reese's POV/

I stared at my mother. She stood there in shock. I need to know who my real dad is. I really want to know. I look so much like my mom. But I was to blonde to see my dad and I similarities. All this time. I've been saying that my dad. Is my real dad.

"Reese honey" My mom started. She put her hands on either side of my shoulders. I cut her off. "No mom. You lied to me. Everyday people would say that my dad didn't look like me. Everyone says if I'm adopted. Now I know" I yelled.

My mother stared at me with no emotions. "Know what Reese?" My mother replied. I started walking up the stairs. But I stopped halfway. "I now know that... I'm really an orphan" And with that, I shut the door.

Riley's POV/

"Mom! Dad! I got the perfect shoes to match my dress for Natalie's birthday. I can't wait to see the new band perform. It's gonna be awesome" I say walking into the house. Finding my parents shooting daggers at me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

My parents stood there glaring at me. "Sit down!" My dad said. I dropped the bags on the floor. "What's going on?" I asked. My mother stared at me. Communicating with me by her eyes. 'He knows Riley. He knows. Your in trouble' Is what I got from our eye conversation.

"Riley honey. Um, do you have something to tell your father" My mother replied. Looking down. I stared at her. Than my dad. His face was red. I'm screwed. I sighed. "Okay. It was me. I ate the last frozen fruit bar from the fridge!" I breathed out.

My mother stared at me and my father shot daggers at me. "Are you kidding me. That's not the problem!" My dad yelled. I slumped into my chair. Crossing my hands together. "What is it then?" I asked my parents. Who stood there with disappointment.

"Riley Nicole Lynch! Are you a virgin?" My dad yelled. My eyes widen as I stared at my dad. My mom put her head into the palms of her hands. Rubbing the sides in agony. I just looked down. "Riley Nicole. Did you or did you not lose your virginity to Drake?" My dad asked again.

I sighed and I felt scared. How did they find out. I stared at my iPad on the table. Of course. I stared at my dad as he started to punch a pillow repeatedly.

"Riker stop. Relax" My mom said. My dad stared at my mom. Glaring at her manically. "Relax? You want me to relax? OUR DAUGHTER HAD SEX AT SEVENTEEN! WHAT IF SHE'S PREGNANT? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? IS DRAKE EVEN GONNA SUPPORT HER IN ANY WAY? DO YOU THINK HER HAVING SEX IS A GOOD IDEA!" My father yelled.

I heard footsteps and I saw Randy walking into the room. He had a tuxedo on and his black hair combed back."Hey mom and dad. I'm ready for this party. It's gonna be fun" Randy said as he stared at me. "Woah. What did I just hear? Riley... Had sex. Aren't you like seventeen? I would've thought that I would have sex before you. Lucky" Randy snickered.

"Randy. We'll be there in a minute. We're leaving in thirty minutes. Oh and don't talk like that again" My mom glared. "Ness, I wanna talk to Riley alone" And with that. My mom and Randy go upstairs.

Riker's POV/

I stared at my daughter. MY child. The one I was with for most of her life. How did I go wrong. She's my daughter. Well... My Non-Virgin Daughter.

"Dad..." Riley started off. I stared at her. "Are you pregnant" I interrupted. Riley stared at me. Her face in disgust.

"No dad. I'm not pregnant! I took the pill. Believe me" Riley muttered. I sat up from the chair and drank from a cup. "Don't worry. I don't think your lying. I saw the history" I glared.

Riley sat there. Staring at her hands. I sighed. "So now what? Am I grounded?" Riley mumbled. I stared at me daughter. Debating whether or not if I should ground her. "No your not grounded. But your getting punished. Your skipping the party tonight" I mumbled.

Riley sat up. "What! It's Natalie's party. I have to go" Riley yelled at me. I stared at her with an eyebrow cocked up. "Don't yell at me Riley. You did something bad and your getting punished" I snarled.

"I'm eighteen!" She yelled. I crossed my hands. "Your seventeen. I was that before. And I was still a virgin. Say what you want. Your not going to the party" I crossed my hands.

Riley stared at me. "Why do you treat me like a kid!" Riley groaned, very frustrated. "I treat you like my daughter. Your seventeen, and your not legal. I could charge him as a rapist. He's older than you. You live under my house and under my rules. I'm your father and your not going to the party. Your staying up in your room and your gonna think about what you did!" I yelled.

I saw tears fall out of Riley's eyes. She brought her blonde hair back and ran up to her room. Vanessa peered her head through the kitchen door. How'd she get there? Vanessa came up to me and wrapped her arms around my back.

"You okay?"

"Let's just go. Randy! Let's go!"


It's Friday. Everyone turn up. It's gonna snow tomorrow here. Where do my followers/readers live?

• Poor Riley

• Poor Reese

• Poor everyone


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