I Kissed A Girl... And I Liked It

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Robin's POV/

After lunch everyone just left. What happened to all of us sticking together? The Lynch's plus two Ratliff's? I guess we're not as close as we were before.

I miss them...

I miss Shay. I haven't really got to talk to anyone about her. How I'm feeling and stuff.

I'm the least known Ratliff... Or cousin I suppose

Riley is the popular one
Rockell is the cool one
Randy is the hot one
Roxy is the mysterious one
Reese is the adorable one
And Ricky is the funny one

No one cares about Robin...

I sigh as I sat in my biology seat alone. I glanced at the seat next to me and frowned, noticing that Randy was still gone. My eyes roamed around the classroom and they landed on Shay...

Shay looked so pretty. Laughing with her friends and cracking out smiles. A guy walked into the room and headed towards Shay.

"Hello beautiful" I heard the boy faintly say as I gripped my desk tightly, my knuckles turning white.

Only I could call her that -.-

Shay giggled and blushed. "Hello Emmett" She said as I bit my lip. He sat next to her and put an arm around her. She twirled her hair on her finger. Was she... Enjoying this?

'Aww' was heard throughout the room as I groaned loudly. Who the hell is he and why is his disgusting arm around her?

I can imagine what Randy would be saying right now if he was here. "She doesn't need you" I heard him say.

My eyebrows shoot up as I put on a confused look. Did my mind say that? Or...

"You're too good for her" The voice was heard again as I turned around. I saw Randy standing there with his hands in his pockets. He smiled brightly and looked at me, sitting down next to me.

"She doesn't know what she's missing out. Your awesome dude" Randy smiled as I smiled. "Thanks" I said as Randy nodded.

Randy's POV/

"What brings you back to school? Thought you'd be A-Wall by now" Robin said as I smiled. "Nah, thought I come back. Didn't wanna get in trouble by Riley and my parents" I casually said.

"What happened? With you and Dylan?" He asked me as I bit my lip. I should tell him right?... He's my best friend.

"We made... Love" I muttered as his eyes widened. I figured his eyes would shoot disappointment... But his eyes struck amusement.

"Seriously?" He asked in disbelief as I nodded. I looked down but looked up as I heard Robin say...

"Why did I know that you'd loose your virginity before me?"

Rockell's POV/

"Kelsey, this is my little cousin Ricky" I smiled as Ricky smiled. "Hi" He said as Kelsey smiled as well.

"Hi" Kelsey said as she waved. I then held her hand. Intertwining them together as Kelsey stared at me in shock. She pulled away from me as I smiled.

"Ricky knows that were dating" I reassured as Kelsey nodded. "I think it's cute that you guys are a couple." Ricky smiled.

"Thanks Ricky, you should go now. Don't be late for class" I said as Ricky nodded. As soon as Ricky was out of sight, I leaned seductively against the locker as I pulled Kelsey close to me.

"You told him?" Kelsey said as I felt her hot breath on my neck. my breath twitched. "I just said it, not really thinking about it" I muttered.

"Do you regret it?" She said as she began to kiss my neck. I bit my lip, trying not to moan. "N-No" I stuttered.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now