For Me?

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Riley's POV/

"So... What do you guys think?" I said ecstatically to my cousins as they groaned. "That's too much work" Randy complained as I smacked his head.

"Stop being lazy" I said as he glared at me. "A band huh?" Robin asked as he flipped his hair.

"Yep. Only the five of us. Me, Roxy, Rockell, Randy and Robin" I smiled, trying to get them into the idea. "What would we even be playing?" Randy asked as I stared at him.

"I'm gonna play lead guitar and sing, Roxy is playing the piano, Robin on drums, Randy on guitar and Rockell on lead guitar and she's also going to be a singer" I finished as Rockell strolled into the lunchroom, with Kelsey holding her hand.

"Rockell on what?" She said as Kelsey sat down beside me. Rockell sitting down on Kelsey's lap. "Your impressive cousin thought us five would be a perfect band" Robin chuckled.

"Like how how our parents used to do so" Randy said as I smiled at him. "Me on guitar? It could attract girls" Randy said as he flipped his hair.

"Your dating someone so sit your ass down" I glared as he rolled his eyes. "Baby, you play guitar really good too. It sounds fun" Kelsey smiled.

"Yea baby" I mocked as Rockell glared at me. "Shut up Riley. Singing? Ugh, you know I hate my voice" Rockell frowned.

"I heard you sing... Your pretty good" Robin said as I smiled. I hope they like the idea. "Uh... I for one am happy that I get to show people what an awesome drummer I am. Like my dad" Robin smiled proudly.

"See, Robin gets the idea" I smiled as Robin fist bumped me. Randy rolled his eyes as Rockell did too.

"I should get a tattoo" Randy said as he lifted up his sleeve. "Right here, on my bicep" He said as he flexed. I rolled my eyes.

"You should get a Skelton on it. Like Uncle Rocky" Robin agreed as Randy clapped his hands. "That's awesome!" Randy smiled.

"You are never getting a tattoo so don't get your hopes up!" I quickly said as he put his sleeve down. Mumbling curse words. "Anyway... What do you guys think of the idea?" I said as Robin and Randy nodded excitedly.

"It seems cool and all, but it's only us four. Who's gonna be the fifth member?" Rockell asked as Robin decided to answer for me. "Roxy... She's gonna be on piano" He said.

"Where is Roxy?"

Robin's POV/

"That reminds me, my mom and dad are having a party today. The whole family is coming, only relatives. So make sure you guys get ready" I said as Riley, Robin and Rockell stared at me with confusion. "What party and why all relatives?" Rockell asked as I stared at her and smiled.

"Uncle Ryland and Aunt Savannah are coming and they are trying to buy an house here in L.A" I smiled as I get to see my cousin again.

"Really! Ricky is gonna be here?" Randy jumped out of his seat. "Yep!" I said as all of us smiled.

Ricky was a sophomore like me and Randy. He is sixteen, older than us. It explains why we like him so much. He has brown hair and he has his dad's eyes.

"That's awesome. I miss Uncle Ryland and Aunt Savannah" Riley smiled as I smiled as well. "That's why Roxy skipped school today and she went shopping" I rolled my eyes.

"Everybody knows that there's is only one person who missed Uncle Ryland the most" Rockell said as we all stared at her. "Who?" Randy asked as she scoffed.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora