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Riker's POV/

"It's not my fault" Rydel yelled at me as I stared at her. I looked at Laura who shut her eyes.

"You all knew that Ross and Vanessa made love, and you guys didn't tell us?" Laura yelled as I heard Alexa sigh.

"Oh what? Did you three know too?" I yelled to my brothers as they shook their head. I looked at Ell and cocked an eyebrow up.

"Hey, this is news for me too!" Ell clarified as I sat on the couch. Laura's eyes leaked of tears as I run my hands through my hair.

"Laura, we're so sorry. We wanted to tell you---" Alexa started as Laura interrupted her.

"If you wanted to tell me then you would've done it the minute you found out" Laura yelled as she shut her mouth.

"You just got here! How the hell do you even know?" I yelled at Savannah as Ryland stood in front of her. Glaring at me.

"Listen, Vanessa didn't wanna say anything because you'd think she was a slut and that you'd never forgive her"

Laura's POV/

"Dam right I think that" I said as I stared at my so called family. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm so done.

"You need to chill" Rocky said to Riker as he stared at Rocky and glared sharply.

"Why you? Your my best friend Rydel, you had to tell me this!" Riker yelled as Rydel looked guilty.

"You know what? I'm done, I'm so done with life. Ross and I are divorced. Hold your gasps, he sighed the papers before we got here. I'm leaving all of you. I'll miss the guys, not so much the girls" I said as I bit my lip.

"Please don't" Ryland said as he tried to stop me from leaving. I shook my head and I stared at them.

"I need a break. I need to go somewhere. Let loose somewhere. Please take care of Reese and Reagan" I said as Alexa burped slightly.

I looked at her as did everyone else. Alexa's eyes widened as she ran upstairs and into the bathroom. We heard her puke her guts out.

"Ugh, this is the fifth time this week!" Rocky said as I rolled my eyes.

"Take her to a doctor" Ell asked.

"Please take care of Reese and Reagan. I'm outta here"


Kelsey's POV/

"Okay, don't be mad---" Rockell started as I stared at her. We were currently in front of Rockell's old middle school. In front of her class actually.

"I don't wanna be weird because last time I was here... I was dating Josh" Rockell said uneasily as I looked at her. I held her hand and kissed it lightly.

"It's fine, that was three years ago" I said as she smiled. She walked into the classroom as the room went silent. After a couple of minutes of intense staring someone shouted...

"Hey Rockell's here!" And the whole classroom cheered and shouted. The kids all gathered around Rockell and her hand tightened on mine.

After people catching up with Rockell, I decided to leave her alone. Technically watching her from a distance. Rockell was still in my view and I was in her's. I heard someone say something to Rockell.

"I didn't think you'd make it tonight Rock's, I thought you were on a hot date and said you weren't coming. What happened with that?" A girl said as Rockell but her lip while I blushed.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now