I Broke Up With You Because...

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Riley's POV/

I waited on the front doorstep of Drake's house. It swings open and Drake pushes me into the house. He locks the door and stares at me. I was startled at first but I calmed down

"Woah, what's the rush?" I asked as Drake shrugged. "Nothing, we just really need to talk" Drake muttered as I nodded.

"I couldn't wait till after school. The suspension was killing me" I groaned as Drake stared. "It's alright" Drake muttered as I bit my lip.

"So talk" I said, remembering why I was here. II sat down on the couch, Drake doing the same. "Okay, erm... Riley Nicole Lynch" Drake started as my eyes widened.

Is it that serious that he needs to say my full name!

"I noticed that these past few days we have had a little tension" Drake frowned as I nodded.

"And... I know you think that I'm dating you for your body and that's not it at all... I mean. Well sorta" Drake said as my eyes widened. Holy crap!

"Your dating me for my body!?" I yelled as Drake got up. Trying his best to calm me down. "Listen Riley, I thought I loved you" Drake started off.

"You didn't really love me...?" I said in disbelief as Drake sighed. "No... I mean yes I did. Uh..." Drake stammered as I crossed my arms on my chest.

"What're you trying to say Drake" I groaned as Drake sighed loudly. He ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it a little. "This is hard for me too Riley and its not easy for me to say" Drake said as I glared.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked as Drake frowned. "I think we should break up" Drake said as I stared.

"Uh... What?" I said, in complete shock.

Is he breaking up with me ._.

"Are you... Are you breaking up with me?" I asked as Drake sighed. He nodded as I stood up. "Why?" I asked.

I'm not mad... Or angry... Just confused.

"It's not about a girl if that's what your wondering" Drake mumbled as I cocked an eyebrow up. "Why are you breaking up with me? Did you like... Fall out of love with me?" I asked, demanding an answer.

Drake's POV/

I really liked her... Loved her. Past tense. It's not that I'm dating her for her body... It's something else. Something worse.

"Drake... I'm not mad at you for breaking up with me. I'm just curious why you are?" Riley sighed as I stared at her.

"Riley... I broke up with you because I'm gay" I said as Riley stared at me. Her breathed huffed as she twiddled her fingers. My breath also twitched.

"Okay Riley. It's true... I'm attracted to guys. I'm gay" I said as Riley sat down on the couch. Completely shocked.

I'm gay...

"Your... Umm, your g-gay?" Riley repeated as I nodded. I took her hands in my own. Not intertwining them as if I was her boyfriend. But holding it in a comforting way.

"Yes I am. And I only dated you because I wanted to make sure I was straight. I was having second thoughts. I used you to figure out my sexuality" I said as Riley stared at the ground.

"Who else knows?" She said, so low as if she was whispering it. I bit my lip. "Only you. For now. When you and I... Made love, it felt great, don't get me wrong. But... I realized that I'm not into you. Your beautiful and all, but I like guys" I said as I shut my eyes.

Riley hugged me tightly as I hugged her back. I can't believe that I used her to figure out my sexuality. "It's okay" Riley muttered into my arms.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now