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-3 AM-

Rockell's POV/

I woke up with my head pounding massively. I squinted my eyes for some relief of this massive headache. I smelled like alcohol, and I don't like smelling like that. I hate hangovers so freaking much! I also noticed that my arms were wrapped around someone's body. The moon was shining right on the girl so I can see partly of how she looked like.

Did I sleep with her?

I couldn't tell who she was. Since it was pretty dark outside. I mean, I don't even know the time. I looked around the room, letting my eyes dilate so I can see the person. I still couldn't tell but the room looks like Riley's.

This is probably Kelsey. She does have blonde hair just like hers.

I remember getting drunk and I remember making out with Kelsey. Maybe she didn't go home and maybe Riley let us have the room.

I smiled as I got out of Kelsey's grip. I sighed loudly at her as I remember something. Kissing her usually woke her up. I leaned down and kissed her lips. I laid my hands on her flat stomach as I deepened the kiss. Her lips tasted and felt different for some reason. Her scent was also different then Kelsey's. I then opened my eyes to find a pair of hazel eyes staring right at me.

"Kelsey?" I called out as the girl moved. She leaned to the side and opened the light. My eyes widened and I look at the girl.


"AHHHH" I screamed as Riley screamed as well. I panted heavily as I fell off the bed. Only to slam face first on something. I touched it softly, figuring out that it was a guitar.


"I AM SO SORRY" I said as I put my hand up in surrender. Riley breathed hard as she just looked at me.

She hates me now!

"Maybe I should just go" I said as I began to run out the door. Riley walked to the door and shut it softly. I painted hard.

"YOU KISSED ME!" Riley screamed as I ran my hand through my blonde hair.

"I SWEAR I THOUGHT IT WAS KELSEY!" I reasoned as Riley wiped her lips with her arm. Well than!

"Why'd you kiss me? To be honest, you did much worse than kissing me" She said as I sighed.

"Like what?" I asked, instantly regretting asking he question. Knowing that I'll hate the answer.

"You said you wanted to fvck me" Riley said as I rubbed my temples.

"Never trust me with alcohol" I smiled nervously as Riley shrugged.

"It's fine Rockell. It's cool" She said as I began to cry. Tears streamed down my face as Riley hugged me. She patted my head.

"What's wrong babe?" She asked me as I sniffled. She moved a little so I sat down on the bed. With her arms wrapped around me.

"Riley, I'm such a bitch" I yelled as Riley frowned at me. Clearly not agreeing with my choice of words.

"You are not a bitch. Keep it down by the way, Randy is sleeping" Riley said as I sighed.

"Riley, I slept with my girlfriends best friend. I promised her that I would never hurt her unintentionally. I love her Riley! And she will never forgive me!" I said as I got up.

I put my arm on my eyelids. Hopefully drying up my tears. I'm done man. I cried harder as Riley stared at me.

"I'm a slut. I lost my virginity to my girlfriends best friend. I got drunk and made love to a girl I don't even know. She loves me so much and she even bought me promise rings. She promised to stay by my side. How can she if she found out that I cheated in the worst possible way?" Rockell cried.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now