Once A Cheater Always A Cheater

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Rocky's POV/

We were currently at a tattoo shop. Why? Because why not? Alexa started asking all these questions about getting a tattoo and then she wanted to get matching ones. You know, the ones that couples get?

On my right arm, it was a 3-D picture of a puzzle piece. It was shaded in black. Inside was a heart. Alexa picked it out and it would go on my left arm... But there wasn't any space.

"Okay babe. Remember to say anything if it hurts a lot" I said as Alexa gripped my hand tightly. She was really scared. "You want the same as his right?" The tattoo artist asked.

"Yeah but make it like... Fit into the piece that he has. as if it was a real puzzle piece. Don't shade it in and make it a clear heart" Alexa said as she took deep breaths.

"Same place?" He asked as I nodded. "Babe, hold my hand" I said as she did. Even though she was already doing that.

She laid on her back, having her arm to the side so the artist can work on it. "Okay, try not to move" The artist said as Alexa glared.

"This is like giving birth to Rockell all over again" Alexa flinched as the artist started to the machine. I chuckled a little as I focused on her.

"Relax" I cooed as Alexa glared at me but soon shut her eyes and her mouth for an "O" As the cold machine hit her skin.

I knew that this was Alexa's first time having ink on her body. So I decided that she should at least have a small thing. Did mine hurt?


But I have to be strong for Alexa. I'm happy that she's getting a tattoo. Riker was thinking about getting one but it didn't work out.

"Mhmm" Alexa said as that hum came out a little scratchy. Alexa chewed on her bottom lip as she squeezed my hand tightly.

Alexa's POV/

Why did I agree to this? Why am I doing this? Rocky just stared at me as I winced in pain. The artist held my hand steady because he knew I would move. I arched my back as the artist dug the pen thingie deeper into my skin.

"And... Done" The artist said as Rocky dried a few of my tears that have fallen. Rocky leaned his head down and kissed me lightly.

"I'm going to go get you some cream so you can heal faster. Remember to rub rubbing alcohol on it" The guy said and left the room. Rocky stared at my arm and looked at his.

"Wow, these came out so good" He said as I nodded. I sat on the bed and Rocky sat next to me. Putting our arms together so they matched.

"I'm so proud of you" Rocky said as I blushed. "Aww, I still make you blush?" Rocky chuckled as I hid my face in his neck.

"Yes" I muttered as Rocky put his arm around my waist. Making our bodies closer. "I love you" He muttered as I looked at our arms.

"Love you too"

Rydel's POV/

I tugged on his hair, wanting more. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he fastened his pace. I arched my back as his hands go to my hips. I let go of his hair as I gripped the sheets. Eventually digging my nails into his back. Leaving little crescent marks deep in his skin.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt