Ricky Michael Lynch

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Riley's POV/

"Is this too tight?" I asked Drake as he stared at me. I held up a dress that hugged my body perfectly. It was blue and it was gorgeous. He was laying on my bed, upside down. He rolled over, his hair falling on his eyes. "It's fine" He said.

"You've been saying that for all of my outfits, this is my favorite. My cousins are coming over today. I need it to be perfect. I don't think Aunt Savannah likes me" I said as I sat next to him.

"Why not?" He asked as he leaned on his elbow. "I have no idea to be honest. I think it's the way how I dress" I said as he stared at me.

"You shouldn't care what she thinks." He said as I frowned. "She's my dad's brothers wife. I kinda have to. I want her to like me because I love Ricky" I said as he stared at me.

"You look beautiful in anything. Don't worry what she thinks" Drake said as he bit my lip. "Thanks" I said as he frowned.

I signed as I walked back into my closet. I started to roam around as I picked out another dress. It was black and it was short. It showed enough cleavage and it had lacy tights going with it.

"How's this?" I said as I held it up to my body. He stared at it in amusement as I look at it from the mirror. Wondering if I should straighten my hair or curl it if I wore this.

"It's nice. Should I drop you off at the strip club now or...?" Drake joked as I glared. "That's not funny" I hit his strong arm.

"I'm joking. But that's a little too revealing. It's a gathering... Not a party" He shrugged as I looked back into my closet. I felt arms wrap around my body and lips on my neck.

"Just wear anything... Anything you prefer" Drake muttered on my neck, between kisses. "Anything I want?" I said, the sentence coming out as a moan.

"Anything" Drake said as I nodded. He contracted from my neck and sat down on the chair. I smiled as I pulled out my the dress I pulled out earlier. "Then I'll go with the blue one" I smiled.

"Great... Now what am I gonna do while your partying?" He frowned. I stared at him. Feeling a little weird. "I'll make it up to you... Somehow" I said.

Drake stood up from his chair. Walking very close to me. He pressed his body against mine. "I know how" He said. He slipped his hands into my front pockets. Bringing me into his body more and kissing me.

Drake took his hands out of my pockets as he left them on the bottom of my shirt. I moaned as he kissed my neck. I jumped up and Drake caught me. Leaning me up, over his head so he can keep the kiss more sensual. He had his hand under the back of my shirt. He walked over to the bed. He got on top of me as he lifted my shirt up and over my head.

"Mhmm... Your body is so... Sexy" Drake muttered as he took of his shirt and he got on top of me again. His hand trailed down my pants as I groaned.

"Wait... Stop" I said as Drake got off of me. I grabbed my shirt and put it on. "What's wrong?" He asked me in his cool accent. I decided to ignore that and instead of smiling, I just glared at him.

"You" I said as he stared at me with confusion. "What I do?" He said as he stared at me again. I tossed him my shirt as he glared.

"All you wanna do is have sex with me!" I yelled as he frowned at me. "Your dating me for my body. You call me sexy... Meaning you are looking at my body" I yelled as he stared at me.

"I'm not dating you for your body. I love you" Drake said as I started to cry a little. Drake frowned as he walked up to me. He hugged me tightly as I hugged back, just as tighter.

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