Your Skin Isn't Paper Don't Cut It

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Robin's POV/

"First you need to call Shay, saying you wanna go on a date with her" Randy said as he sat on the table of the cafeteria. "Already did. She's not here today, I'm gonna pick her up later for our date. And your helping me" I said as I fist bumped him.

"Okay okay. Have you ever went on a date with her? Like... Where did you guys go?" He asked me as he stared at me.

"Well, once I took her to this place, it was like a secret hideaway. Their's a lake, and flowers and a field. That was our first date. It rained and it kinda ruined it. But I walked her home and then asked her out" I smiled at the memory.

"Did anything else happen?" He cocked an eyebrow up. "Uh... When I walked her home... We had our first kiss there" I blushed.

Randy's mouth dropped. He sat up and smiled. "Aww, lil Robin's first kiss. That's so cute. Who planned that date? Your mom? No, you did. Awwwwwwww" Randy laughed. Gripping his sides.

"Shut up dude. What should I do?" I said as I punched his arm. "Ouch, maybe recreate that whole thing again. Since it rained that day. Take her on a picnic. Throw some pebbles in the lake, kiss her again. Cuddle, or something. Got it?" Randy said throwing out his trash.

"Got it"

Roxy's POV/

I open the bathroom door. Locking it so no one would disturb me. I look in the mirror. I start to cry. My tears stream down my face in a rapid pace. I go into my book bag. I quickly take my red bag out and then my blade. I roll up my sleeve and I press it deeply against my skin, successfully cutting myself. I felt relived as I saw the blood pouring down my wrist. I did this action repeatedly

I didn't care.

I'm sick of all this.

"Go kill yourself"

Maybe that's what I'll do. Who wants me in this world?

I hear the doorknob go thump. I stare at it. Hoping no one would walk in. I mean, how could they? I still stared at the door. Not caring who the hell it was. I just slit my arms a little more. I take off my shirt leaving me in my bra. I dragged it on my tummy. The top of my tummy actually. Slit after slit. Blood pouring down from my hip to the top of my pants. I then heard shoving against the door.

Who cares.

The janitor was absent. The principal was in a meeting. No one could walk in. I cut, just above my chest. Around my neck. The door then creaks open. Finding a girl standing there with a shocked expression. A bobby pin in her hands. Her blonde hair falling to her shoulders and her green eyes pierced directly at me. My eyes widen at the sight. It was the same girl that I bumped into. I was in my bra, blood pouring down from my arms and tummy. The girl quickly locked the door and run towards me. She threw her backpack somewhere.

"Oh my god" She yelled out of terror. She quickly grabs my razor tossing it into some unknown destination in the bathroom. She stared at her hand, a little cut showed. She didn't care.

She runs to the walls and takes a handful of tissue paper. She opens the sink, the cold water hitting the tissue. She dabs on my skin of my tummy. Looking at the scars. The deep, long and oh so very scary slits. She stared at me, trying her hardest to stop the bleeding.

"Oh my god. Uh, I don't know how to help you. Uh..." She stuttered. She quickly kneels in front of me, grabbing my hips. Brushing the bloody tissues over my hips. She groans in frustration.

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