Bullies Suck Ass

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Robin's POV/

I groan as the sun shined on my face. How can it be so sunny at 6:45 in the morning? I already hate school. All the little freshman running around. Even though I was one last year, but still. Man, I'm becoming more like Randy everyday. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my clothes and I put it on. I picked up my phone and I started texting Shay.

Robin - Good morning my love. I can't wait to see you at school.

Shay - Good morning. I'm actually not coming in today. I have a doctors appointment today

Robin - Oh, in that case. I'll meet you up after school. The park around four? :*

Shay - Sure :*

I walked downstairs and I made myself a bowl of cereal. Noticing Roxy come down the stairs.

"Sup sister. Want breakfast?" I asked as I pointed at the cereal box. I heard her stomach grumble. "Uh no thank you. I'm not hungry" She walked upstairs.

That was weird. Not long after that, she came back down the stairs.

"Brush your hair Robin. It looks like you just woke up" She laughed at me. "Which is because I did" I scoffed.

I fixed my hair as I saw a little red bag with Roxy's stuff. "Uh, what's that?" I said as I pointed to the bag. Roxy's eyes widen as she zipped it up. "Nothing" She quickly said.

"I like your sweater. Even though it's like... Eighty six degrees outside" I laughed.

Ross's POV/

"Remember kiddo. I was always here for you. All the kids that think your adopted. Tell them to go ride a cactus" I smiled at Reese. He nodded and hugged me.

He ran out the door and hopped into Riley's car and left. I smile as I turned around to find Laura standing there frowning.

"He's gonna find out someday" He said as she put her hands on her hips. "I guess today's not the day. Or anytime soon" I bopped her nose.

"You know. Reagan got a ride to school by her friends mom. We have the house all by ourselves for a while" Laura smirked at me. "Oh really? What do you wanna do?" I smirked.

Laura POV/

"This movie is so boring" I groaned while Ross's arm was around me. "I think it's pretty cool. Look at those cars" Ross said out of amusement.

"Why can't we do something else" I pouted at Ross. Ross stared at me and leaned in, kissing me deeply.

I smiled into the kiss as I started I kiss him back. Ross went down to my neck and kissed my collarbone. I bite my lip as I pulled his hair. Ross departed his lips from my neck.

"Nah, I think I like this movie better" Ross said as he drew his attention back to the screen. My eyes widen as I groaned. "I can't believe you just did that" I folded my arms.

"Hmm, are you mad at me?" Ross asked me as I ignored him. I turned myself around. My back facing him. "Laura, Laur, Laurie, L-Dawg?" Ross called out my name.

"I guess I have no choice but to do this" Ross said as he lifted me up. He carried me up to the bedroom and he put me on the bed.

He fell on top of me. Instantly kissing my lips. He opened his mouth as I did the same thing. He gripped my shirt as he pulled it up and over my head. I stood there in my black lacy bra. I lifted Ross's shirt as I stared at his toned body.

"Not mad anymore huh?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes as he kissed my neck and went lower.

Rockell's POV/

"Your not coming today... Aww that sucks... Well I hope you feel better... Yea I love you too... Bye" I hung up the phone as I walked down the hall with Roxy.

"Who's that?" Roxy asked as I walked her to her locker. "Oh Kelsey's sick. I'm gonna check in on her at lunch" I said as Roxy dropped a red bag.

"What's that?" I asked as Roxy quickly picked it up and stuffed it in her bag. "Oh nothing. Uh, your missing lunch?" Roxy said, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Just then a blonde bumped into Roxy. Roxy almost fell as I held her.

"Sorry" The blonde said as she stared at Roxy with glassy eyes. "It's cool" And with that, I pulled Roxy away.

"Who was that?" I asked her. "I have no idea"

Randy's POV/

"Please Riley. At lunch please drive us home so we could pick up our project. Please please please!!" I begged Riley. "Guys, you should've been responsible" Riley said as she slammed her locker.

"But he forgot it and I now know not to trust Randy with anything" Robin glared at me. "I've realized that a long time ago Rob" Riley said as she ruffled his hair.

"Literally, Roxy told me to fix it this morning and you ruined it" Robin said as he fixed his hair. "I guess I won't drive you guys home to pick up your project" Riley smirked.

"No wait. If we don't hand it in today our grades will drop by twenty points" I frowned at her. "Next time. Don't tell me to do your shit during my lunch period. Meet me outside the main office before lunch" Riley said as se walked away.

"Your sister can be scary. But she's a big ass help" Robin smiled at her. "Yea I guess" I said as we walked away.


Roxy's POV/

I quietly ate my lunch which was a granola bar as I went to go throw out the wrapped. I saw Ashton come up to me.

"You cuddle nicely when your drunk" He smiled at me. I blushed as I looked down. "Sorry about that" I apologized.

"No, don't mention it. I didn't mind. It felt... Good" Ashton smiled at me. I smiled back. "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Ashton flipped his hair.

"Uh, no..." I trailed off. "In that case. Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow?" He asked as he gripped his bag, me blushing.

"Like... A date?" I asked as I blushed. Ashton bit his lip. "Call it whatever you want. As long as you say yes" He said as his black hair fell in front of his face.

I nodded as me and Ashton exchanged phone numbers. "See ya later Roxy" Ashton said as he walked away. I smiled, which I hadn't done in a long time.

I spoke to soon because I regreted it. A group of girls stopped me and pushed me on the floor.

"It's even closer up front"

"Why does Ashton talk to this creature?"

"She's fat and ugly"

"How the hell is her brother Robin Ratliff? He's hot and she's so... Not"

"Go kill yourself"

Each of the girls said. They crowded me as they picked me up by my sweater, making me choke. They pushe dme against the wall. My eyes water as I got out of their grip and I began to run. I don't know where but I kept on running. Finding myself in the girls bathroom. The words the girls kept saying repeating in my head. Especially this one:

"Go kill yourself"


Told you guys that Roxy would do something insane. And this is what is insane. The Raura though

• Is Roxy gonna kill herself?

• Who the blonde?



Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora