Talk To Me

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Riley's POV/

"Ready for bed?" I asked Rockell as I walked into my room. Rockell was already in bed, cuddled up to my pillow. I just got out of the shower.

"I see that you're really tired" I giggled as I looked in the mirror. I took a towel and wrapped it around my hair. Rockell still is drunk, unfortunately not sober yet.

"Nice robe Lynch. Real sexy" I heard Rockell say as turned around to state at her. She had her eyes on my body and she was licking her lips. I rolled my eyes as I looked down at my robe. It was a white robe with unicorns and rainbows all over it.

"Thanks, it was half off at Claire's" I said as Rockell giggled. I took my pajamas that laid on my bed as I turned around to Rockell.

"Don't look" I warned her as she rolled her eyes. She put the pillow on her head as I smiled. I took off my robe and I put my bra and panties on.

Rockell then took the pillow off of her face and stared intensively at me. I screamed loudly as Rockell eyed me up and down. Raking her eyes over my body.

"What the hell Rockell! You're such a FvckGirl" I yelled at my annoying little cousin as she smiled at me.

"What? You're so gorgeous Riley. Man, if you weren't my cousin I would've tapped that ass a LONG time ago" Rockell said as I rolled my eyes. It's the liquor talking, remember that Riley.

"Could you flash me?" She asked me as my face struck horror. I hit her with the pillow as she giggled at my angry face.

"Ask Kelsey to do it" I said as Rockell stood on the bed. I saw that she had an oversized t-shirt and panties. At least, I hope she wore panties. I put on my sweatpants and my shirt.

I looked in the mirror and I looked at Rockell's reflection. I cocked an eyebrow up as she was pulling something out from under the covers. I turned around to see that she was still in her squatted potion, pulling something out. It was my green electric guitar. She connected it to the amplifier as she smirked at me.

"No wait---!" I yelled as she strummed the guitar with her hands loudly. I fell back with my hands clutching my ears. My face turning red.

"AHH ROCKELL!" I yelled as I stood up. She kept strumming the guitar with the amplifier that happened to be on full volume.

"Stop!" I yelled as she continued to strum. Her playing some stupid song that I couldn't name at the moment. I ran to the amplifier and turned it off, Rockell groaning at me.

She put the guitar on the floor and remained standing on the bed. "I can't believe Kelsey deals with your ass" I said, meaning it in a joking way. Sorta...

"Kelsey doesn't deserve my non-virgin ass" Rockell said as my eyes widened. She started to jump on the bed. Wait a freaking minute. Non-virgin? As in, not a virgin anymore?

"What?" I asked as she stared at me. She continued jumping up and down on my bed.

"You're not a virgin?" I continued as Rockell giggled. She walked to the edge of my bed. She took my head in her hands and brought a finger up to my lips.

"Don't tell Kelsey" She shushed as she went back to jumping on my bed. My mouth dropped as I took Rockell's feet and jerked it. She fell on the bed as I got on top of her.

"When? With who?!" I yelled as I pinned her to the bed. My legs going on either side of her. Rockell just smirked at me.

"Why don't you and I get naked under the covers right now?" Rockell asked me as she placed her hands on my waist. I groaned loudly.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now