Hidden Talents

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Randy's POV/

After the whole punishing thing I went up to my room. Usually, when I'm grounded and my parents take away my stuff, I either play the base. Yep, I play base. Ya know, as in the guitar. So if you sexy ladies likes a guy who plays base, call me. {xxx-xxx-xxxx} Oh and if I have nothing to do, I either play base, or smoke. Roxy hates when I do. But I like it. It relieves stress and stuff. Me and Robin both smoke. Whenever we can of course. I decided to... Play the base. I get up from my bed and I go in my closet and I get out a a guitar case. I take out a black Fender guitar with neon strings. It belonged to be dad. He taught me how to play and I learned to play some of his songs. It was really fun. I've beem playing ever since. Anyway, I start to strum it, just playing a random song. As I strummed my guitar I realized that I was playing "Animals" By Maroon 5. I love that song.

"Baby I'm praying on you tonight"

"Hunt you down, eat you alive"

"Just like animals, animals like animals-mals"

I said in a very high note. I think it was... Rockell who loved Adam Levine. She said something about how his last name should be Adam LeFINE or something. Anyway, while I was singing and playing it my mom walked into the room.

"You are just like your father" She said sitting on the bed. I smiled. Because I lot of people say that I look a lot like my mom. I have her nose and lips. But my dads eyes and hait. "How" I muttered laying the guitar on the bed. Crossing my legs.

"Your father. Would always grab his guitar and sit on his bed whenever he had nothing to do. He would grab his guitar and play some random notes. That's how he wrote songs" My mother replied, grabbing the guitar and strumming it.

"Also, Uncle Rocky, Aunt Rydel, Uncle Ross and Uncle Ellington would all play instuments when they had nothing to do. Thats how all of you guys know how to play instruments" She added.

"Oh" Was all I could say. "Sorry about the whole drunk thing. We won't do it again" I added, looking down.

"Don't worry sweetie. I forgive you. But I don't think dad does. But, relax and get ready for school tomorrow" She said, kissing my cheek and leaving the guitar on my bed, existing the room.

I smile and I take the guitar and stretch out my legs.

"Maybe you think that you can hide"

"I can smell your scent from miles"

"Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals"

Riley's POV/

I stare at the ceiling of my room. If my dad ever... Finds out that I had sex with Drake. He would kill him. Literally. And I know exactly how he would do it. Ugh. I just kept thinking and thinking about it. I then ran into the bathroom and I threw up. If dad finds out that I had sex. OMG! I threw up more and more.

"Riley?" I heard my mother say walking into my room. I had a bathroom that connected to my room. She ran in ahd held my hair back. Rubbing my back softly. "Sweetie, are you okay?" She said wiping my face with a towel.

"Not really. I---" I started and began to throw up again. I sat on the bathroom floor and I started to cry. My mom held me tightly. Me crying into her shoulder. "Sweetie, whats wrong?" She once again said. I started at her with tears in my eyes. "You would hate me" Was all I could say..

"A parent would never hate their kid no matter how bad it is" My mother said smiling at me. I started at her and I looked away. I then looked at my mom and she was still staring at me. I shut my eyes and I took a deep breath.

"I had sex with Drake. And I was drunk and... We didn't use protection" And I opened my eyes.

Robin's POV/

"Heart Made Up On You"

I then started to bang my drums in rhythm of the song my dad used to play. I had headphones on that sang the song. This was my favorite song by my dad and his band. I love it. I start to move my hands in the way my dad taught me in this song. Right when my mom's soloing her piano was about to go on, Roxy walked into the room. We were in the basement, Where we keep stuff. Like clothes, my drums. Roxy's piano and a really sparkly microphone my mom gave her.

"Hey" Was all she could say and she stood in front of me. I took out my headphones, letting it loosely hang around my neck. "Whats wrong?' I asked her. Roxy stared at me. "Nothing" Was all she could say, pulling her sleeves down.

"Okay, Hey, You wanna play "Heart Made Up On You" The chorus together?" I asked Roxy. She smiled and she walked up to her piano and turned it on. As well as her microphone. She sang and I just sang background.

"Look what you did, what you did, what you doing to me"

"You got me searching for the words like a silent moive"

"I can't breath I cant see its all outta control"

"But baby honestly my hands are up I'm letting go"

Roxy said the first two verses while I sang the last. Roxy played her piano just like my mom did in this ep. We finshed the song and I stood up and walked in front of my drums.

"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week" I laughed as Roxy giggled. "Ya know, we're really good" Roxy smiled. I stared at her. Took my drum stick and spinned it on my fingers. "Were hella good" I laughed.


I found this short. I ran out of ideas soo. Yeah. Who watched the new austin and Ally? Who ever did their lucky af. Anyway, SNOW DAY! NO SCHOOL TOMORROW

• Whats gonna be Vanessa's reaction?

• Imagine if the kids formed a band


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