It's Usually Fun

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Riley's POV/

"Thanks for pushing me in the water" Drake glared at me as I stared at him. "Are you serious? You pushed my... Twice" I snarled at him.

Drake laughed as he walked towards me. He had his glasses on for some reason. He put his arms around my head. Holding it tightly.

"Are you scared of water?" He smartly remarked as I glared. "I rather dip into the water instead of being thrown" I said as his grip grew tighter.

"Or what? The sea monster is gonna get you?" Drake laughed as I looked at him. "Don't be silly. The crocodiles and alligators and all the other animals that can eat me will" I said, looking at him ridiculously

"This is what I like. Just... A couple having weird conversations together. I wanted this for a long time" Drake smiled.

"Did you ever love someone?" I asked. I always do this. I always ask questions I don't want the answer to because I'm afraid. "You want the truth?" He asked.

I bit my lip as he smiled. He leaned I. As he kissed my lips sensually. I blushed as I kept the kiss going. He smiled as fireworks blew up. This is... Unreal.

"I never loved anyone. Ever! You... Are the only one I love. My feelings for you... I have never felt for anyone else. You make me... Lucky that I have you. There are so many other people in the school you could've chosen... But you chose me. I love you" Drake finished.

I was speechless. I started to blush as tears fell outta my eyes. Drake smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too"

Riker's POV/

"Does she have to have an asshole of a boyfriend?" I said as I laid on my bed. I knew that they'd come late. They better not be missing or something. I don't want them to do any of that.

"He's actually pretty nice" Vanessa said as she laid beside me. I looked at her. "Your supposed to be on my side. Do not call the enemy nice" I said as I got up and changed into my sweats.

"You do realize that of our daughter is happy then we're supposed to be as well?" Vanessa said as she tied her hair. "Nope. I have to agree on who she should date" I smartly replied.

I took off my shirt as Vanessa laid in bed. She had a tank top on and shorts. She would wear pajamas when she's talking with the kids. But for now, she's gonna wear this. Not that I'm complaining. I leaned against the headboard as Vanessa intertwined our hands and was leaning against my shoulder.

"I like you wardrobe. Pretty sexy" I smirked as Vanessa blushed. "Aww, I still make you blush?" I said as I bopped her nose.

"Sorta. Although maybe because I blush easily. My naturally blush" She shrugged. "Hmm, I like seeing you like this. Flushed and... Hot" I whispered into her ear.

Vanessa parted her lips as she smiled at me. I smiled as I gently placed my lips on hers. Vanessa tangled her fingers into my blonde locks. I cupped her cheeks as I brought her closer. My hands traveled down from her cheeks as it landed on her thighs. Vanessa's hands moved to my chest.

"Can you guys not do that before dads shirt comes off" I heard someone say. Vanessa departs her lips from mine as she stared at Randy who walked in.

"Really Randy. Bad timing" I glared. Randy put his hands up in surrender. "My bad. I just wanted to say that I'm going on a date with someone named Dylan" He smiled.

I looked at Vanessa as she sat there in shock. "Your gay? And you didn't tell us?" Vanessa asked as Randy's eyes widen.

"What the heck mom. I'm not gay. Dylan is a girl from school" He quickly said as I feel relieved. "Okay sure. Go ahead" I said as Randy smiled and left.

I went back to the position we were in. My hands on her thighs, bringing her closer to me. "Where were we?" I smirked.

"Right about here"

Roxy's POV/

"How did the date go?" Robin said as he walked into my room. I cocked an eyebrow up. "How did you even know about that?" I asked him.

"Does it even matter? Tell me about him. Did he touch you? Or kiss you? Or hug you and let his hands slide somewhere that it isn't aloud to go?" He said as he sat on my bed.

"No Robin. None of that. We went mini golfing and he showed me how to do it" I said, not mentioning the part where he wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay good. If he does anything. Tell me" Robin swiftly said as he walked around my room. "Roxy?" He asked as I right my attention towards him.

"Yes Robin Hood?" I said because he used to love that movie. "Are you okay? I noticed some stuff weird about you. That little red bag you carry around. Always going to the bathroom after eating. Like... I don't understand" Robin sincerely said.

I stared at him in shock. Did I make it obvious? No I didn't. I couldn't have. No... I didn't.

"I'm f-fine Robin. A lot of stuff is on my mind" I said, loving that excuse. Robin smiled at me and hugged me.

"If you have a problem with anything. You know you could always tell me"

Rockell's POV/

"Yea it went fine... They like you... I'll tell her that... I'll see you at school... Okay bye... Love you too" I said as I hung up the phone with Kelsey. She likes my parents.

"May we come in?" My mother said as she knocked on the door shyly with my dad. "Sure" I said as I crossed my legs on the bed.

My dad walked in and sat on a chair with my mom. "What's up?" I asked as my mother stared at me. She looked really sad.

"Is something wrong?" I added on as they simply came closer to me. "Listen Rockell. Are you comfortable around us?" My dad asked as I stared at them.

"Of course. Your my parents" I said, rather to quickly. Not technically answering her question. "We know. But... Why didn't you tell us that you were dating her? That you were bisexual?" My mom said as I frowned.

"Are we still having this conversation?" I frowned as my dad stared at me. "So... It's a no" My father said.

"I thought you wouldn't like it" I looked down. My father kneeled beside me as he tilted my chin up. "We
love you. No matter what your sexuality is" My mom said.

"Thanks guys" I cried into both of their arms. I wiped my tears as I began to chuckle.

"Now... How is it like to kiss a girl?"

Ross's POV/

"Yes Courtney, what do you need?"

"We have to talk about that kiss"

"That was an accident"

"We did it for a long time"

"My wife is sleeping right now. Meet me here. At my house. My wife will be at work"

"Perfect. See you late Mr. Sexy"

Laura's POV/

I'm not asleep


Raura... Is dead. Now you know where I got Courtney from. And where this chapter is going to go :(

• Will Robin know that Roxy is cutting?

• Did Ross and Courtney kiss?

• Laura is awake!!



Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang