People Tease

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Roxy's POV/

"I'm not so good at this" I said as the ball bounced off the railing, going oh so very close to the hole. I bit my lip as I stared at Ashton who had a toothy grin. "Maybe you missed because your not showing any interest?" He shrugged.

"I love this" I said through my gritted teeth. Ashton smiled at me as he hit his own ball into the hole. "Hole in one" I muttered.

I went to my ball again and went into the golf position Ashton showed me. My hands became sweaty as I hit it and it went into the hole.

"See?" Ashton smiled. I rolled my eyes as we went into the next hole. This one has the windmill. Ugh, why must they make this so hard. It's impossible.

"Why do these people do this? I mean... It is impossible for a guy to hit it into the hole with one shot" I stammered. I heard a clicking of metal and plastic as I turned my head to a smiling Ashton. . "Hole in one?" I frowned.

"Listen Roxane, maybe because your not holding it right. Here... Lemme show you" Ashton said as he wrapped his arms around me from the back of me. He then put his hands on top of mine as he swung for me. I blushed as he departed from my touch.

"Think you can beat me?" Ashton challenged me.

"Your on"

"Okay Roxy. Showing a little bit of enthusiasm. Let's go to the next course" Ashton smiled. I nodded as I followed him.

Riley's POV/

"Are you done yet?" Drake said as I tied the bikini strap around my neck. "Give me a minute" I called out as I looked at my body.

"You look sexy" Drake said, showing himself in just his swim trunks. I covered myself. Pushing him away playfully. "Don't look" I shrugged.

"Why not? I've seen everything before?" He started off. Walking close to me as he brought his mouth to my ear. "And I do mean... Everything" He whispered huskily.

"Tease!" I groaned as Drake lifted me up and started to spin me around. "Hehe" I giggled as he walked to the lake. Very close to it.

"Drake... Put me down" I said as my eyes widen at the thought of what he was going to do. Throw me in the lake. Yep... That's what he was going to do. "Sorry... I'm a tease apparently" He shrugged as he rocked my fast.

"No your not. Drake! Okay okay. Your not a tease. Please don't throw me" I reasoned with him. Drake smiled at me as he moved me away from the water. I sighed in relief as I cocked an eyebrow up. Wondering why I wasn't on the ground anymore. I screamed... Really not wanting to go in yet. "Okay fine. I won't let you" Drake smiled.

"Thank god" I sighed in relief. Drake held me in his arms. I give him a confused look, wondering why he didn't put me down yet.

"But yea... I'm a tease. And teasers do this"

Rockell's POV/

"So Kelsey. Rockell tells me that your good in math" My dad says as he drinks water from his glass. Kelsey looked up from her plate. "Uh... Yea I am. I'm planning on majoring in math when I get to college" Kelsey smiled.

"Oh really. What college do you plan on going to?" My mom asks as she showed interest in the conversation. "University of California, Los Angeles" Kelsey gulped.

"Oh I went there" My mother said, impressed. My heart beat went into its normal pace. "That's really cool" Kelsey took a bit of her food.

"Are you okay Rockell?" My father asked as he stared at me. "Peachy" I gritted through my teeth.

"Do you take any extra curricular activities?" My dad asked Kelsey. I dropped my fork on my plate as it made a clinking sound.

"Relax" Kelsey smirked as she put her hand on my thigh. I bite my lip as she squeezed it softly.

"Actually... I do"

Ross's POV/

"I'm close"

"Hurry up and finish"

"We have to stop"

"I'm almost done with it"

"Please... I have two kids I need to take care of"

"But... This is for you. Pleasure right?"


What do you guys think of a Gay story? Like... If there was some extreme GirlXXGirl chapter... Would you guys have a problem with that?

• Who do you want Roxy to date? ASHTON OR NATHAN?

• Will Riley kill Drake for pushing her into the water?

• What the hell are Courtney and Ross doing?



Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora