Sexy Ladies

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Randy's POV/

"Woah" I said as I looked around Sean's house. His place was amazing. "Dam" Robin said after me as he looked around as well.

"Cool place" Rockell muttered as we all nodded. "This was better than I thought" Ricky smiled but then frowned as Riley walked out with a notepad and pen.

"What're we gonna do about her. She can't sing" Roxy frowned as we all agreed. "We'll figure something out. Let me check in with Sean first" Ricky mumbled.

"Let's find our selfs some girls" I smirked as Robin nodded. "Don't go to far. We're performing soon" Rockell reminded as we nodded.

"Oh and don't go in any rooms because... Let's just remember that most of these people are seniors" Roxy said, implying that these teenagers were out of control and well... Drunk

The girls and Robin and I walked around the huge house for a while. Admiring how big it was and how fancy it looked. Multicolored lights were flashing around the house. There was a stage all the way at the back. I saw Reese unloading our instruments and he looked so shy. I saw Riley writing stuff down on the notepad as girls were in front of her.

"I can't see anyone" Robin yelled as the music that was playing already was vibrating around the house. "I know. Let's keep looking" I yelled back as he nodded.

As we were walking Robin and I bumped into someone, figuring out that they were girls. The girls yelled in a high pitch voice as Robin and I were shocked. We stepped on their toes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I apologized as we stared at the girls. I couldn't really make out how they looked.

"It's cool" The girl said as the two walked off. "Let's go" Robin said as we followed the girls outside.

Robin's POV/

"Are you sure your okay" I said as the girls turned around. Wow, they both were beautiful. "We're okay. Seriously" One of them said as Randy and I stared at the girls.

My hands became sweaty as I saw the girls more clearer. I took a huge breath as I stuck out my hand. "I'm Robin" I smiled as the girl smiled as well. "And I'm Randy" Randy stuck out his hand as well.

"I'm Taylor" The one I bumped into said as I smiled. She had straight blonde hair. Her hair was really long and I wonder how it looked like in a bun. Her grayish-blueish eyes looked so beautiful on her.

"This is my friend" Taylor said as she pulled the girl Randy bumped into towards us. "Hi I'm Skylar" She said as Randy blushed.

I've seen them both around school but I never actually talked to them. They both stared at us for a while as I watched them. Skylar had beautiful wavy brown hair with matching eyes. Her brown eyes could mesmerize anyone. She was pretty tall but Randy was a little taller.

"I've seen you around school. But I've never seen you in any of the sophomore assemblies" I said as Taylor and Skylar chuckled. "Neither have I" Randy agreed.

"That's because we're not sophomores" She said as I cocked an eyebrow up. Please do not be a freshman, please do not be a freshman.

"Oh. What are you then?" Randy asked as Taylor stared at me for a while. "We're juniors" She smiled as I nodded.

"And you guys are sophomores?" Skylar smiled as Randy and I blushed. "What're you guys doing at a seniors party?" Taylor asked as I chuckled.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant