Ronessa Moment

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Riley's POV/

"Property of Robin, do not touch" I read the sign of Robin's drums. I chuckled as I walked around the basement some more. I saw Roxy's piano and an extremely glittery microphone.

I walked into the back of the basement where I noticed a door. I cocked an eyebrow up as I opened it and there stood heaven. Five hundred guitars was seen and they were all polished and clean. I took one out, it was an acoustic guitar. I grabbed it and put it around me, and I took the amplifier and plugged it in.

"Cool" I said as I strummed it. I loved the sound of guitars. I looked around for a guitar pick and I saw one, in a plastic container.

There was only one song I knew with an acoustic guitar, and it was a very old song. Extremely old, back when Uncle Ross and Aunt Laura were in this really cool show called Austin And Ally. And the song I knew was my favorite...

Think About You

I really like this song, actually all of us do. Playing on an acoustic guitar is more simpler than playing on an electric. For me it is though. Anyway, I started to play the beginning of the song. Me also singing as well.

"Last summer we met"

"We started as friends"

"I can't tell you how it all happened"

That's when I heard the door open. I stared at is as a middle aged boy with brown hair walked in. He smiled at me as my eyes winded and my lips formed a huge smile.

"Don't mind me, I didn't travel all the way back here to LA to visit one of my favorite cousins sleeping in the basement" Ricky smiled. I put the guitar down and ran over to Ricky.

I hugged him tightly as he hugged back, maybe even tighter. "How'd you know I was down here?" I said as I smiled hugely.

"Let's just say... Robin and Randy can't keep a secret when their under pressure" Ricky chuckled as I laughed. "I suppose so; you put them under pressure?" I asked.

"It wasn't under pressure, I was just asking them questions with my normal voice. That reminds me, Rockell can't do that either" Ricky laughed.

"Thank for letting me know" I said as Ricky smiled. "Speaking of Rockell, when do you think I could meet her girlfriend?" Ricky asked me as I cocked an eyebrow up.

"How did you know?" I asked as Ricky stared at me. "Oh, when Rockell picked my family up she told me about the couples in this family." Ricky causally said.

"Did she mention anything about me?" I asked as I bit my lip. Ricky thought about it for a minute and stared at me. "No, why? Was there something she should've mentioned?" Ricky asked as I rapidly shook my head.

"No no" I said as Ricky smiled. "Okay then" Ricky blankly said.

"So... Could we talk about the band now?"

Ricky's POV/

"If you wanna be part of the band, then I'm going to have to interview you" Riley laughed as I smiled. "Ask any question you want" I smiled.

"Okay, why do you wanna be the manager of Mini R5?" Riley asked as she tried to he sophisticated. "Mini R5 huh?" I laughed.

"For now" Riley chuckled. "Well, my dad showed me what a manager does for a band and I find it really cool. Booking gigs, selling merchandise and stuff like that. What's better than managing your family?" I asked.

"Do you play any instruments?" Riley asked me as I thought about. "I play the drums I suppose. Oh and when I was little I was forced to play a recorder" I laughed.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now