Part Thirteen ~Kohnnie #13~

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~~~Kyle's POV~~~

Here I am roaming around the mall looking for my boyfriend, Johnnie. He just walked off and left me.

"Johnnie?" I yelled getting a few glares.

I shrugged my shoulder and continued to look down all the aisles. I saw Johnnie with some girl. As I got closer, I heard the girl voice.

"Come on cutie," I growled and wrapped my arms around Johnnie's waist.

"H-He's your boyfriend?" She asked, and I smirked.

"yeah all this," I roam my hand up and down Johnnie's body giving his crotch a firm squeeze.

"Is mine," I looked at Johnnie to see his face bright red. I looked at the girl to see that she had a disgusting look on her face.

"I'm sorry is that a problem for you?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not right being gay you're going to hell for that," She said, and I growled.

"It's not right being a slut oops were both going to hell," She shot a glare at me, and I just smiled. She turned and walked away, and I flipped her off.

"Bye see you in hell," I yelled causing a few people to look at me.

"Nothing to see here mind your business," I turned to look at Johnnie. I grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom. I pushed him into a stall locking it slamming him against the wall.

"You're mine," I growled, and he nodded. I kissed his neck. I kissed that one spot that make him go weak in the knees.

"Say it," I grind my erection against his making him moan.

"I-I'm your's," He moaned softly.

"Now now I believe we can do better than that," I grabbed his ass and pushed his erection against mine grinding him against the wall. He flew his head back grabbing onto my shoulders.

"I-I'm fuck Kyle I-I'm yours," He bucked his hips up. I heard footsteps and pulled away from him causing him to groan.

"We will finish tonight," I kissed his neck and exited the stall.

Kohnnies One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now