Part Twenty-Eight ~Kohnnie #22~

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~~~Johnnie's POV~~~

"You're such a faggot Guilbert," My ex-best friend Bryan laughed.

I came out to Bryan a year ago and he told the whole school and now everyone either picking on me or beating me up. Well not that girls they would just laugh at me. I was pushed against the lockers knocking the air from my lungs.

"When are you going to fight back Guilbert," Bryan yelled kicking me in the side. Soon as the kicking started so did the same calling; worthless, Faggot, Emo.

"Bryan!" That voice. I know that voice from anywhere.

"Kyle you're just in time to see Johnnie boy get a beating," The other guys laughed.

"What changed?" Kyle asked. What did change?

"You and him used to be best friend what changed?"

"He's a faggot," I flinched at the word.

"And that's different?" Kyle asked. Yes, it's different; no one accepts gays.


"It's not different, and you're pathetic picking on someone because of what they like," He walked closer to me.

"Someone that used to be your friend. You guys used to do everything together. That changed because he's gay. I don't think he's the reason for you changing Bryan,"

"What's my reason?" Bryan snapped.

"You're scared," Kyle said, and Bryan laughed.

"Of what?"

"Coming out," I looked to Bryan, and he had a worried look on his face.

"You're picking on Johnnie because you're scared of what they'll think. You're a follower," Bryan shifted from feet to feet.

"Why pick on someone honestly he's just like you," Bryan looked down at me, and I swear if he says sorry I'm going to murder him.

"There's no sorry. The damage has been done. You think he is going to forgive you for treating him like shit just because you were scared? No so leave him along what you and him had before you throw it away like it was trash," Kyle was speaking the truth I was not about to forgive someone that treated me like shit.

"You can take your sorry somewhere else," He nodded and walked off. Kyle helped me off the floor putting his arms around my waist.

"T-Thanks," He smiled.

"You're welcome. Want me to help you home?" He asked, and I nodded.

I didn't care if we got in trouble for skipping and neither did he. The whole walk to my house he never let go of me, and I'm thankful for that. I'm grateful he was there for me. I would be lying if I said my feelings for him didn't grow.

~~~The End~~~

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