Book I - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – Eternal Thirst

At home at last. I flopped onto the bed and fell fast dead asleep. Felt like a coma... then... I didn't even dream, my slumber was too heavy... and too tired... too... exhausted.




I woke up, it's 5:55 PM

I ate dinner then took my pills, except for the sleeping ones I don't drink anymore. Then I headed out as my pet bats followed me.

Vayne, my one, and only servitor I bred almost a decade ago wearing all that gothic Lolita dress and with her red glowing irises on her eyes, with her long black hair reaching the ground giggled as she ran into the alleyway of the street of barangay I live in and was raised in. I walked there into the alleyway and she was gone. I scoffed, looked behind me and she was right in front of me this time as I turned! She gave me a shock there. She also gives me sweet dreams, literally, and gives nightmares to others I am close with. For her jealousy is unmatched for the likes of her...

I asked her what she needs of me this time.

She told me there is something I need of her this time...

What is that if I may ask?

She told me I owe her for teaching me to be awakened entirely. Now she is going to warn me about the sunlight. This time, it's not only the eyes that are being affected by sunlight. Most of the time I use my sunglasses Cristian gave me since I told him everything is too bright every morning, which I curse most of the time. He gave me his sunglasses and told me to keep it. So, I wore it every morning. But the sunlight will now burn me to dust. Thanks to the full awakening. I am a pureblood now...

After all, 11 years, this is the time I finally get to awaken. I mean, most vampires couldn't fight with their sanity and willpower over blood rage but here I am, managed to feed consciously, and now I can be as more powerful than I can comprehend inside my own mind.

I never went back to the hooker again. Disgusting man!

I walked outside and it was sunset. The only reason why she had to take me here all the way to the alleyway was because the sun was still out and we had to wait for it to be gone for now.

The only reward I give my servitor most of the time is my own blood. She takes pleasure in... forcing me to have intercourse as well... and... defiling my body.

I walked around the streets of Guagua, there were parties everywhere. Everyone is happy. I proceeded to go to my grandmother's place but however, the hunger struck me again... this thirst for blood... is a curse, eternal! As my life is not life, for it is already dead, undead, dead man walking, in the streets full of humans. So, I went hunting on the boundary of Cabetican and San Miguel barangays on the DAYAT roads. I went to the right where I learned from my brother that we used to bike here and ended up in Guagua. So, I walked here. I attacked an innocent man, drained his blood, and killed him. I threw his body into the river beside the DAYAT road and walked through the entire DAYAT road and ended up in Guagua.

Here it took me an hour to get back to Guagua Town's Plaza. I ended up at GNC, Guagua National College. Then here I met my ex who happens to be a vampire. I ignored her and she looked desperate. It's her fault for cheating on me with 50 boyfriends in her own school when I was in St. Mary's Academy and gold dug my ass.

I thought I could kill her right here and now. I have my wooden steak knife. So, I seduced her. I took her to the DAYAT road and thrust my stake right into her heart-piercing through it. Then I punched it all the way down to pin her and left her alone for the sunrise.

Whilst that time I left her, right? The night was still young. I went home.

I wrote my journal about everything that has happened tonight. And then I rested at that sunrise.

That morning... I sensed a sensation of burning and it was my skin! I started screaming and dad was beside me in another bed in the same room, awoken by my shriek in agony and he grabbed me away from the sunlight. Now he believes... but I told him not to tell anyone. Except for our family and make sure they don't tell anyone either. He prepared me breakfast and I was in the shadowy shade under the roof wearing my shades and waited for food. My father cooked the most delicious food with rice which was my favorite "Chicken Curry" because of what happened. He thought he could cheer me up. He came inside from the sunrise and he put down my breakfast on the table and I didn't even feel the appetite to eat it. I just stared at it and felt disgusted...

He was wondering what's wrong. I told him I think it's my Vampirism. I told him that I awakened as a full vampire, a pureblood, royal blood, immortal blood drinker.

He was crying with a worried look on his face. I asked him kindly to put on blinds on the windows or at least barricade them. So, he went to get all the wood as much as he could from where the men were working usually every day before they will be able to come here to work today and he barricaded it and it was pitch-black for him to see, however, I could see clearly in the dark. I went inside and slept in. My father is scared of the dark, he said it's just claustrophobia, well yes being overwhelmed and choked by pure darkness can be quite terrifying I'd say. But here I turned on the lampshade for him on my computer table. Then I went to bed. He turned on the air conditioner for me.

I woke up that night. I had a nightmare...

But I forgot but I got the chilling feeling down my spine...

However, this did not motivate me down on my self-esteem to get out in the night to feed.

Again, I started to hunt, killed more than usually, drank more blood, overfed, drank too much blood, it was raining blood down to me like the CEO's money on top of the building got blown up by a Gokudo who wears a Koi Fish in his skin as the money rained all across the city. That is what it felt like. Pure heaven!

The hunting started by killing innocence, but however, I learned how to become more seductive, learned hypnosis, learned to lure victims into the shadows of the alleyways.

No one notices a damn thing the next day and there are missing person posters. Because they just wake up as ghouls by the time they wake up. Depending on if they are a virgin or not.

I took my time with the house being renovated inside the house. The noise did not do anything to me in my dormant state.

Then here I am waking up the next night again, killing more, infecting more. I was the new pestilence of the world.

But my victims just wake up as ghouls but humanely still. They do not know what happened to them or what I did to them. They are undead, just ghouls, but they don't know they are one.

Sooner and after... It was Summer. The house was renovated on its first floor and my big brother is going to work a lot sooner than anyone will expect and gain more money as my mother will retire thanks to him now. And the second floor will be built and I will have my own room as well.

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