Book I - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - May of The Hoard

Herd Immunity has started, during March 23rd of 2021 the President Rodrigue Duterte has announced that how badly the Philippines is at stake. The economy is falling below less than zero percent, the COVID-19 infection rate has been raised up to 25.9 of daily infections of the Philippines, and the health care workers are going through psychotic episodes thanks to too much stress and sleep deprivation because they are having a hard time of trying to handle too much of the surge of the COVID-19 patients as all Hospitals in the entire Philippines have no vacancy anymore. I spread my words of inspiration to convince the government why we should simultaneously roll out the vaccines to the people already instead of all of us here in the nation having a hard time through books and published them for free on Wattpad. They've seen the inspiration of my works despite the post humanist's vision of the devolution of the human mind. Around the world, most of Wattpad's population of viewers, readers, and fans are all Filipinos and they've seen my works, it went viral but not too much, one secretary that works in the government saw this piece by accident whilst she was trying to browse something to read, she hides the fact that she loves Wattpad for an adult such as herself whilst the rest of Wattpad fans are all young teenagers and it's been going around like this since 7th grade. I used Wattpad as the destined location where I can spread my word to the Philippines itself as my target which I call myself that too clever for my own good. I rolled the dice which are a set of 3 dice, one for hunger, one for humanity, and one for trump card disciplines to use each scenario. Here then, I used those three dice and saw a connection, I looked up the stars, and the moon before that night the other night, and saw it, everything is falling to place. Now I know my purpose. And it's already been done. But my purpose is just only beginning. A soul of an angelic seraph, the emotions of a human, and the body of a vampire. I am all three hybrid beings as one person. But for my primal instincts have two animal spirits, the smart predatory patient bat, and the ravenous wolf. Here at May 1st of 2021, the only roll out to the vaccines are the citizens with priorities in the list such as the disabled, comorbid diseases, senior citizens, and economic workers. It was announced and declared during the fresh and early night of March 31st of 2021. So, I woke up at dawn due to the excitement and couldn't sleep the whole early morning, it was 1 AM and I was still thinking about the unlimited potential I can do outside. Unfortunately, I fell asleep by the second. Then I woke up with a horrible headache. Dad said there is no time. We're going to get vaccinated as soon as we can just buy me coffee at Housebrew and eat at McDonald's. So, we did go to Guagua to Rosario Memorial Hospital. At the vaccination site in the facility, we were the earliest. They did some checkups, temperature tests, blood pressure, and some counseling and they found nothing insane about me, unlike my father, would expect. They thought I was beyond human when it comes to intelligence and the way I talked sounded more British than anyone could comprehend. Of course, it is the Geordie accent during the aristocratic days of old English times in England. And here they vaccinated me and had to wait for 30 minutes inside the facility to see if there are any adverse effects because some people, few of them are having a hard time comprehending the effects of the vaccines, it was too much for them, it varies to people, one reported had allergy, some reported about instant extreme dizziness, vomiting, and passing out. But after a few moments, they're instantly gone by the second. So, they had to observe me for 30 minutes it at least an hour maximum. Since my check-up and counseling were perfectly flawless without any health conditions except that they already know I have a comorbidity of various mental illnesses, and of course a disability in my spine since birth that caused TB, allergies, and asthma during the earliest stages of my childhood. All of them were gone by going through the processes of many syringes and other vaccines. After the embrace of the vampire, I was entirely cured by those but the mental illnesses developed. There is no cure for madness.

After 30 minutes stat, they let me go. But we still have to wear face masks and face shields at all costs in public for minimum health standards despite the vaccines inside people. Since it takes two doses after two weeks for full immunity. I didn't need a vaccine since no one believes I am a vampire for pulling out the Fool trump card most of the time. Good thing they removed the quarantine and the curfew hours forever thanks to the rollout. But the normal citizens cannot have the vaccines yet for they are not part of the priority list. Thanks to my PWD ID there's no need for persuasion. I bring my set of 3 dice everywhere I go even inside the house. Always in my pocket. My hunger was ⅚, my humanity was ⅚, the trump card that will decide for me will be The Tower Card, destruction and chaos. Probably some demolition might be going on, this unique green die will decide either my power or fortune future telling. So, I better be careful. I can either avoid The Tower Card or Use IT!

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