Book I - Chapter 1

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Stultus Est: The Parasite Pathogen

Part I: Restriction Level 7

Chapter 1 - Waiting and Counting... dice rolling and writing... and writing...

Roll for freedom? I rolled the Green Die, 3. I might make it. Reroll time, 1. I might not make it... I sent the email 3 hours ago, and it's 12:30, it's been 30 minutes for 3 hours ago... and they have not replied to me yet... to my email. Roll for chances for them to reply early? Double time, 9. They are going to reply eventually but when? The more numbers the sooner, reroll! 7... out of 12.

They might take a few days... I sighed...

Use all three of them including the white pair and the green die, 5 green die, and 11 for the white pair. Just to know the chances of them replying. I got bored of rolling dice and writing things that never happened. Or it might happen, I'm not sure. Using one die I'm going to ask how many more hours before they reply? Using the Green Die, 4... That would be 4:34 PM... if my 7th Sense is correct, wait let me roll for 7th Sense, 6 out of 12. Half/half. They might say yes or no, between the two there might be vaccines, but using my pure intuition they are going to say yes. I even had to ask the voices and they said yes and the other is not sure since they've been saving these vaccines which are almost out of stock as I see it through my vampire eyes, I call this one of the Ultimate 7th Sense that doesn't need rolling. It may need some rolling, it depends. My powers are defective even though they're beyond Godlike. It's like an antidepressant happy pill that has a bad side effect of gutting your intestines causing gastritis. Since I had gastritis, I couldn't smoke nor drink coffee for a month straight. Until the doctor checked up on me that day, he said I can. Checking me up he saw how normal my intestines are again. He's not sure how it happened but using common sense that's just my vampirism. Regeneration.

1st hour of waiting. I quit writing for the day, I started conversing more actively to the workers that renovate the house, I fed my superiority complex enough with my foolish books I wrote I can go back to being normally talking again instead of acting all super smartass. But they were too busy at the moment. I smoked a few cigarettes that hour. I was wearing my cousin Pogz's sunglasses he landed on me to keep.

2nd hour of waiting. I got tired, wanted to go outside already. I don't even feel excited anymore. I just got completely hopeless. My reality's inferiority makes me feel like there is no hope of them replying back. If only I had a top up load for my phone, I can just directly ask them but my dad refused to give me top up load.

3rd hour of waiting. I just kept on rolling the dice to know how much longer it would take. It says 1 more hour, die level 1.

4th hour of waiting... I saw the time; I went to my computer to turn it on. Instead, I changed my mind and went to my Gmail app on my smartphone. They replied!!!

They said their replies as professionally as I DID!

They said vaccines are available, so I must get here as soon as I can because they are almost out of stock. I urgently showed this to my father and had to turn up the brightness since I've been used to dark screens such as no blue light filter on my PC monitor screen, and he saw it. He got convinced and told me to dress up so we can go.

And then we reached JBL Hospital. We asked where the vaccination sites are, they said there are no vaccines available for citizens, before my father could even think about saying to go home and it's a waste of time. I told him to show my PWD ID to let them know I am a comorbid patient. And he got convinced, he told us directions and we went inside. There were check-ups and counselling and all that. They said I am too smart so I must be vaccinated. They never know I might change the world.

Then here they waited 30 minutes for adverse effects up to an hour. It's 6 PM, I asked dad to give me money for the first day outside and will come back home before curfew hours. I couldn't help it and he was disappointed as well; he gave me 200 just so I could shut my mouth. Then he dropped off to San Juan Nepo Betis. And then I continued to ride on the jeepney carriage to Guagua at night. It was 6:13 PM. I managed to reach it. I bought Lipovitan and a half pack of cheap red branded cigarettes. It cost me 65 Pesos. I bought matches outside at sari sari stores and then paid 3 pesos. I still have much more money. I walked around town at night and it seemed lively. But yet, gloomy at the same time thanks to the Pandemic. Hunger was level 4 die; humanity is 2 since I got over excited about getting vaccinated and wanted to run wild like some mad dog again just like 4 years ago. But I should do a reroll for will power. Will power be 1. So, I spent the whole night drinking beer with some new friends I found which were Loyloy's friends, Loyloy used to be a very close relative. I have he still been but we haven't seen each other in a decade, how tall he rose and I was half the size as he is. Even if I'm a lot older than he is. I guess it's the feats of immortality my dear.

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