FINAL ACT - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Waking up...

I woke up after 1 year of comatose. They had to detox all of my drugs inside of me, but laudanum was something they never understood since doctors around the world never used it anymore but it was my own unique recipe, there they found opiates to know what to do to detox me from my blood and liver. I was weak... my father was sleeping beside me. I spoke a faint voice calling out to him as I lie down onto the bed. But good thing he heard no matter how low the tone of my voice was. He woke up. He asked me if I needed a blood bag. I asked him yes, I do. He grabbed one from the cooler and fed it to me using scissors cutting it. It was a tailor's scissors, sharp enough to cut anything. And here I slowly started to feel back my energy, but it was just 3 of them. I drank all three. They said they came from the blood bank from Manila, the one I used to work and own, they gave it to me as charity. Since I lost a lot of blood thanks to detoxing my blood and liver all that. I have ¼ of my own blood right now. I asked my dad how long have I been gone, he said 1 year and 2 months. I asked of him what happened? He told me the same thing as last time what happens when I research in the lab. I told him I was looking for a cure for vampirism, a vaccine.

He widened his eyes. And asked me if I'm trying to make myself human again. I told him, I am human, but with just some vampiric features. Just like every other vampire else. Just like Sanguinarians back in New York which I barely remember. Then if I wasn't trying to cure myself what for? What am I trying to achieve here? I told him, to save a little girl's life before she turns. If she turns there is no cure, but during the awakening process she might have a chance of living back to her old human life. Trust me, no one wants to live forever and have all of their loved ones die in a glimpse of eternity so fast and you regret everything you've done wrong to them instead of having to make them happy while they were still alive. He told me he hasn't lost himself to me yet. I told him he will soon... and cremate him because I wanted him to stay by my side especially when I am sleeping, just like the good old pandemic days. Now there is a new pandemic not seen by the human society, not even the government. Vampires are hunting every night now instead of trying to take it lightly. They're turning animalistic and killing everyone they see. But I still don't think I am the only vampire that is left with his humanity with him. There are a few more out there doing their lives normally. The doctor went inside, as well as the nurses. He checked on me and dad had to hide the empty blood bags inside the cooler. Everyone thought it was just for him to cool himself off with drinks. Doctor checked on my vitals and everything. I have to stay one more day and by night time I am discharged but first, to make sure, I need a blood test. To make sure I am completely detoxed from the drugs I overdosed on for attempting suicide.

They took a blood sample from my wrist on my elbow and put a bandage on it. Then left.

The entire day was dreadful silence. Then here the doctor came back and my blood test were normal, but he doesn't know how my blood cells induced so fast within a day. So, he discharged me and dad took me back home with his Montero. I was still so weak that time. I need more...

The city lights of San Fernando, is it Christmas? Or has it ended to New Year?

Doesn't matter... dad always says that even holidays even his own birthday, it's the same as every day.

I was taken back home and big brother was there. He wanted to see how I am. He's on vacation for a month and he'll take me to North Carolina and pay for my own VISA. At least that way I can stay away from my satanic tools of a laboratory. Even though they're just scientific tools. I even have to leave my microscope. Big brother was inside the same room as I was but it was a double bed now. I am at the top bed and he's under. I took a long nap.

Day time has arrived. Don't know what date it is, or what time. I don't care but I'm hungry.

I accidentally glanced at the calendar and it is the year 2028. How long have I gotten myself this far? Everyone was prepared for a feast for my homecoming, there's spaghetti and lots of foods, even BBQ steaks and chicken.

I was too tired to eat. I felt like food won't satisfy me. I checked the fridge for a blood bag. There they are, the ones I left. They decompose after 8 years so I took them all and drank from them feeding.

After that I was in the mood to join the feast. They didn't even tell me it's Christmas Eve and dad is sleeping early, like he said, any holiday even his own birthday is the same as every day. He doesn't believe in such stuff anymore. He became beyond atheist.

So here we had a lot of fun, but I was told not to drink alcohol since I recently got out of the hospital. Well, I drank blood so it doesn't matter that's much better than any alcohol. Even the oldest most vintage white wine can't beat a good fresh young red blood.

We celebrated all night long and we all went to sleep. I was so tired, I wanted to retire no matter what age I am, I am too traumatized by these blood doctor things. The research and all. I am currently unemployed as we speak. And... there is not much left to do anymore, it's a bad ending, rogue skalish vampires won and I didn't get to breed a vaccine going through a spiral of insanity in the process attempting suicide, made it out alive surviving and here... here I am, weak. And tired. Exhausted from all those traumata I had since March of 2021.

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