Book II - Chapter 5.5

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Chapter 5 - The Magician Trump Card

Chirping birds, pigeons flying freely in the sky, the morning star above the hills rising up, and of course, worst of all, the sunshine through my window. I told my father if I get my own room, I'll get my rooms that have shaded anti-ultraviolet windows as Alex has in her room. I envied her that way. So, I had thought of the idea. Although I am not a morning person yet I wake up every morning and sleep too early on Xanax as sleeping pills. If they don't work for the night which happens rarely, I have another pill bottle that has Valium pills in it. I prefer Valium better though but it makes me feel like a goddamned worm so that is why I wouldn't recommend it no matter how much psychiatrists call it the Happy Pill, the only Happy Pill I love is Prozac but they took it away since it gave me stomach ulcer in my intestines gutting into hemo-bleeding. Thank you doctor for almost getting me killed even if I cannot die. My dayside self was dead that time and I woke up at night as a vampire again. Christ...

Here I spent the time going through the day coming to church to my hideout in the underground library archives where my coffin is at and lying down there chilling. I put on headphones and listened to Utsu-P's album "The Greatest Shits" . Yes, it's literally called that way as such, not The Greatest Hits but with an S since it's a Baby metal Japanese rock genre. I spent the entire hour listening to it while smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee. Last night I got my reward money from the Order of the Shroud. Then I climbed onto the church roof and climbed to the peak of the cross of the tower and stood up there. The wind was blowing really fast through me. It almost felt like it was pushing me down to fall. I sat down onto the church cross of the tower and synchronized the map of the entire Guagua Town where each village is connected. Then I did the leap of faith down onto the pile of garbage and landed on my back. Rather disgusting but it's the fastest way to get down from up there. I learned how to land safely no matter how high like that on Dying Light and I might say that the Hay Stack on Assassin's Creed is a much deadlier risk than jumping off to a pile of a cushion of garbage bags seems extremely unrealistic. But there was a true story of a man that was so lucky that his plane blew up in the sky he landed on a haystack yet survived. Maybe that's where Assassin's Creed writers got the idea from. But I believe that won't help anything if it's way too high, such as jumping off many feet above the skies and falling down to your death. The pile of garbage was safer. But I don't recommend you do that in real life. You can just climb down safely instead of doing any such Leap of "FAITH". I spent the time jumping on rooftops and vaulting over obstacles as much as possible to enjoy the adrenaline I got from the caffeine because, well, it's Starbucks coffee. I still have a packet of Cigarettes here in my pocket though. I jumped off the high grounds of the building and rolled onto the scenery of The Bacani Household. I'm always welcome there.

"Hello, Prince Klei... care for some coffee?"

"Thank you but I've drunk already. I came here for a daily visit."

"My you're too kind. The fact that I already have enough company where you're always the best. So, what happened last night with the Order?"

"They want me to become a vampire hunter. I'm in several factions right now. The Underworld Government, Draconian Aristocrats of Corvin Castle, now the Order. I even have my own faction that I'm building around the world called The Requiem Creed. And right now, I'm an ex-Gokudo."

"Such for The Fool you are since you've gained, you're The Fool's card for the first time, which means FREEDOM and UNLIMITED POTENTIAL you've been using it quite well. But don't limit yourself, you can always make the impossible possible using the trump card The Magician."

"I've lost my tarot cards..."

"Well, it's time to bring them back using the money they rewarded you."

"I will bless them with my power and each card will have their own power I can use."

"You're the boss, go on."

I jumped up through the walls running up and flipped over to the roof above. Then I opened my phone to buy Tarot Cards online. A deck that's suitable for a vampire like me. And there it was, the deck's backs of each card are black and have a red Khan symbol. I ordered it for COD, cash on delivery.

A week later it arrived at my home. And then I blessed the tarot cards with a Draconian language chanting over them. Then I kept them inside my pocket. Each trump card is hidden in many pockets for each card so I will know which one to use. Whilst the rest of the minor arcana cards were left at home. I jumped up to the walls and started sprinting on the midnight run. The moon was full again at the time of the month of April. It was way up high to the skies as if the sun would be above the skies in the middle between east and west during the high noon of 12:00 PM but tonight's 12:00 AM midnight and the moon was above me giving me more power to run faster and more agile and sprint with the strength of my legs stronger with maximum endurance without having to stop. I then landed on the small building and thought I needed to feed more than just one blood bag. It lacks what I need! So, I went for a hunt! I jumped up in the skies and hanged upon the ledge of the building then climbed up. Then I started sprinting faster than each second pass. And then there was a patrolling military cop that was alone smoking a cigarette in the alleyway, looks like he's dilly-dallying going AWOL, absent without leaving. So, I jumped down at him and bit half of his entire neck off and started eating his blood. I drained him dry from snow white pale to pitch-black tone of his skin, then I climbed onto the rooftops to make an escape and felt higher, higher, higher, and HIGHER!!! I want more blood!!! Here I began to go on a blood rage where my humanity lost consciousness and so did I...

Waking up in the morning in my casket in the church cellar... was I dreaming last night? I walked outside and said my good morning to the priest. And then here I was sent a message by Madam Intersen. She wanted me to take down a ghoul that used to be human military police infecting the rest of the town. Ah shit, this must be my doing. I hope they don't find out the culprit. I used the High Priestess Card to see through my clairvoyance since The High Priestess Card is known to know all secrets and has the absolute intuition of all tarot cards better than the ace of wands, I then started sprinting on rooftops again and destroyed every ghoul in town using a stake. Only the stake in the heart kills a ghoul, but for vampires, it doesn't entirely kill them, it might just, MIGHT, just paralyze them a bit for quite a while. I had to use The World Card to stop time in order for me to take as much time as I can in order to kill all of the ghouls so they can turn into dust from fire from the stake. Time flows again after I turned off The World Card and went back to the church. I rested myself there for daytime sleep. Then when I woke up at sundown, I went to the ATM machine at a nearby bank here in Guagua and it looks like my reward was given in the credit money I have in my ATM.

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