Book I - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - The Lone Wolf and The Hermit Vampire

"I'm here!" shouted Jonathan

"Ah, Harker, you've returned to me."

"I'm here... to be turned into a werewolf. I researched all about it on the internet last night and I didn't even get any sleep. How did you get all the way here in the sunlight?"

"I went here during dawn. Now I'm stuck in this store for now."

"Understandable. How are you going to turn me if you're a vampire?"

"This is the first practice where I used my own theories. It just so happened that lycanthropes or werewolves are servants to vampires. So, I figured that a vampire can turn someone into a werewolf. But right now, I am using science."


"Iris... remember my white dog? The mad one that's always wild and barking and howling loud?"

"Yeah... I'm scared of that dog not going to lie about that..."

"I extracted some blood from him using a syringe. Then I mixed it up with my blood. I took half of the syringe Iris's blood. Iris is a supposed to be vampire dog I tried to make. It turned out that she became a werewolf after I turned her. By simply giving her my blood. At night she turns, and we often go wild on rooftops. I'm the only one she listens to. Now, I mixed my blood with Iris's werewolf blood."

"Why didn't you just take Iris's blood alone if she's a werewolf alone, what if I become a hybrid vampire? I don't want that...."

"Shit you have a point. Dad is away for now."

I put on my hood and sleeves and wore my boots then fixed my sunglasses and walked with him back to my house.

"You're not burning."

"Of course, these aren't just vampire aesthetics, they're for protection from the morning star."

"I see. Smart."

We made it and I used a different syringe.

"How did you get those syringes?"

"I stole them from the blood bank nearby here while I was buying some fix."

"Fix... haha, funny. You mean to regenerate your wounds and stuff? I heard last night you killed dozens of Gokudos again."

"Yeah, I got badly hurt. They had to pay a Vatican priest to know my weaknesses."

"Like what?"

"Garlic, a fuckin cross, silver, salt. Movie fiction shit." I extracted the blood from Iris and asked him to drink it without question.

"Those actually work? ON YOU? A powerful being like you gets pounded by a cross stacked up by his ass?"

"No, I was pretending I was being weakened by the vampire weaknesses they wasted money on from the Vatican priests. Then I figured out that Japanese people do not believe in the Catholic God I fuckin' killed them HEAHUEHAUEHAUH!!!"

"Oh my god... what if a Catholic Priest used a cross against you?"

"There are 50/50 chances either he or I might die. Or a stalemate."

"What do you mean by that? It's confusing."

"If a good priest uses the word of God against me with a crucifix I would be weakened because well, I have my close ties with God. All vampires are immune to holy stuff unless they used to be religious before they were turned. It's just psychological vampire trauma."

"What if a bad priest uses it against you will he die?"

"Well, that depends, if the priest is a hypocrite and uses the word of God in vain just for his own protection? I will not be weakened by his cross. The sign of the cross is my number one strength. Then mere infernal black magic vampire bullshit."

"Never seen a vampire that's so religious."

"Feeling anything yet?"

"Not really but... the birds are so loud. Before we got in here, they weren't this loud."

"That's because you're a werewolf now. Phase 1. Level 6. If you want to turn someone into a werewolf to make your own pack. You can share your blood with them but you shouldn't bite them because werewolves don't have the same sedative venoms as we do vampires, we vampires have opiate sedatives inside our venom that make the victim sexually aroused once bitten. But a werewolf bites shit that's going to hurt a lot."

"Understood. Thanks! How can I repay you?"

"We could make a pack." I tilted my head and smiled

"A pack? Like wolves like the ones, we discussed during work many days ago? A few weeks I think."

"Yeah, you saw how my suckling dogs love to lick me all over my damned face and pounce on me each time they see me. They even bark at me when I'm far away from them unless I get near them and pat them."

"Well yeah... I mean your father is the one feeding them. But you do nothing right?"

"Absolutely nothing, they just see me as a superior vampire master of the dark. A dog's primal instincts are like a wolf's. The same goes for Vampires in a blood rage. But when their senses are high and well fed, their primal instincts are a predatory bat."

"How did you learn all of these?!"

"I can say that the voices inside my head give me the secrets of the universe."

"That's creepy bro."

"I know. It's fuckin' terrifying you just randomly walk to a street then some voice just shouts the secrets of the universe for no reason at all suddenly... yeah I got used to it now."

"Thanks for the blessing. But I really want to repay you, since I need this for my... well, a mission I'm having a bad time with. And I can't let others get involved, especially you."

"I understand, you go on your mission first whilst I think of something. But the first thing that comes to my mind is that we should make a pack. My dogs are included."

"Sure thing. Bye Shi-san!"

"Ja ne~"

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