FINAL ACT - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Requiem of a Dream

Present Time

I woke up after my dream of what happened a long time ago which was some few years ago. I took a cup of coffee and Prozac, last night I had Xanax. I was taken to another psychiatrist thanks to my depressive episodes acting up again. Thanks to Wellbutrin being the most addictive drug in the Philippines and being smuggled illegally, it was unapproved by the FDA of the Philippines so I only have Prozac for now. But after that dream it was amazing. I went back to the psychologist after long years I didn't went to in Angeles, her phone doesn't even ring, she never answers. So, I went to Angeles myself to Telecasting Town in the city. Then found out she moved in to another clinic or hospital. I asked the information here where she could be found. I still have her business card. She said she died. I asked of her where can I get another psychologist? She told me psychiatrics' on the third floor. So, I went up the elevator and then tried to find the door number the woman at information gave me. It was 203. I went there inside and asked for an appointment but good thing it was just a walk in, and first come first serve. I was the last one for the day. I wanted to quit these pills since they're not working for me anymore. After all of the patients were gone, I was the last one to go inside. There was no needed for blood pressure check-ups nor weight gains. I just walked in like the assistant told me.

I held the door knob of the office, slowly twisted it.

I opened the door gently...

"Welcome. You must be patient number 105."

"You do sure have a lot of patients; people must really love you."

"Oh, please don't flatter me come inside, we have no time limit here, as long as the patient needs their time to vent and give them therapy it is what is best."

"I see, that's better then, no wonder why it took me the entire day and half of the night, it's almost midnight and you're still working. Are you a vampire or something?"

"You're the vampire here, I have your medical reports, records, and of course this." She puts the recorded that I was familiar with, felt like Deja vu, and she played it and it was the time when I was first inside this hospital.

"I'm a Sanguine half Noblesse, and I can see you that you're Lunace, no wonder why you're my patient. Lie down. I've already read your psychological test including the regards of your IQ test is quite high."

"You're part of the Underworld Government."

"And you, Prince Alucard must do his job as Prince. Not party around and do humane things. Now let's talk."

"You know what I don't need this and I'm not paying I'll go find a more rational therapist."

"That's up to you."

I can't believe I wasted my time...

I went home and asked my big bro if there are any psychologist instead of therapists that gives pills that don't work. He told me I don't even need those pills, it's dad's decision. I can just quit them. I told them I want to but it's like when I was under house arrest where I am forced to drink pills. He already convinced my dad about it, and can just do myself some therapy online, he trusts my intelligence and cleverness anyways so I can just do self-help therapy. Not to mention that there are websites with free consultations with psychologists online no registrar or payment needed.

I told him my thanks and went online.

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