Book I - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Rewind

I woke up in the hospital room in the quarantined area where are suspected people of COVID. Oh yes, I remember now. My father is critically ill from the infection's pestilence inside of him. He was one of the victims of this pandemic's infamous virus. The nurse came in to show my results came out negative. They wondered why I live in such very close contact with him that they know I am a PWD that needs his caretaker with him 24/7 no matter what. In such a very cramped claustrophobic room we live in the same bedroom together I did not get infected. We are together at all times no matter what unless we have to change our clothes or put them on or taking a bath and or going to the bathroom. They wondered how the deadliest yet most infectious and contagious strain of the coronavirus did not infect me with such an extremely close contact with my father who was infected. I expected they would want to study me to breed antibodies but they were too stupid to do that. So, they let me go. There's a lockdown here in San Juan Nepomuceno and I told them I have no place to stay there since I don't have anyone to take care of me so I asked them to take me to Santo Nino instead where my father grew up parentless, and where my grandma and all of the members of the Bacani family are in there. Along with the Bacani uncles I have that have their wives living with them in the same house. They accepted my request since I'm a PWD and not supposed to live in a lockdown area where I don't know how to take care of myself. I overestimated myself. I got what I wanted but at what cost? I never wanted him to die. Even with the pure hatred of my consciousness wishing for his death, subconsciously I wish he didn't have to die. They also told me he's passed away and will be cremated. I told them to give me the urn of his ashes me soon if they can possible so they sent me to a barangay van to take me all the way to Santo Nino but first I must gather all of my clothes since they've already disinfected the place. I also took the dogs with me. I told them everything is going to be alright. Then it was pure dread of silence inside the van. The driver wanted to know about me. I was too depressed to respond when I'm usually talkative. He said Okay in a manner of awkwardness. As soon as I arrived. Everyone in the Bacani house already knew. And they were expecting me. Back there in the hospital they did test my blood and studied it more though on how I did not get infected. They told me that I am completely immune to the virus and don't need a vaccine at all. They considered myself lucky regardless my closest loved one has passed away. We spent 4 years together over arguments of me wanting to go outside over and over again. I got what I wanted; this is not what I needed. I wanted to go outside where my father and mother give me permission. The coronavirus started on December 31, 2019. It didn't end even up until now in the middle of March 2021. It's been 3 years if I round it off. I can't believe this!

They asked me if I needed coffee. I declined. But they asked me if I was hungry, I told them I wasn't hungry, they asked me if I want a cigarette. I told them I want an entire pack for today. So, they gave me some anyway. But I told them I brought everything, all of my stock of cigarettes and coffee for a whole year is in one of my luggage and bags. I pulled out one cigarette and a lighter then smoked. Because of this trauma, I wanted to take one whole pill of Xanax and relaxed. I smoked all day with Xanax and 12 hours later during that early morning at dawn, I woke up at night time. Curfew is up until 10 o'clock PM. So, I sent out myself to go feed. My father has died which gave me a whole new personality change to reject my humanity but maintain my intelligence.

My father was the main reason why I had my humanity this whole time. Because if he would see me going wild like a mad dog, he would put me down and tie me up, but those leashes and chains and cages inside of my head are now broken. I went to rooftops and jumped from roof to roof and then bit off one victim in surprise from above and killed him draining him dry and ran away back home after wiping off the blood from my mouth using the sleeve of my polyester jacket that almost looked leather. I was wearing my Tribal Pants, and the brand of my black polyester, leather-looking jacket, was HUMAN, yes that was the brand. I can't believe it myself too. Maybe it's telling me something.

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