Book I - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 – Vlad III Tepes Dracul

During my dream walking episodes, I tend to go to Corvin Castle to take over during the daytime, but at night time I tend to walk around in the nocturne.

The 3rd day since my vaccination is now the 3rd night as well. I awoke from that dream walk where I took over Corvin Castle as my Breed and blood father Vlad III Tepes Dracul demanded that I don't have a choice. During that same night the bats that came from the west where I expect this might be one of my Breed's pet bats again sent me a message from the Count.

They told me that he woke up again and had to take back over the castle in the meantime since he understood I am still new at this and recently awakened. He knows I am having a hard time, so he told me to learn more about my new abilities and capabilities in order to reign over Romania which he planned to introduce the existence of Vampires all across the globe with the help of Mina Tepes, and Mina's servant that is a werewolf, for all of us both humans and vampires to co-exist. And the most important part the bats mentioned in his message to me tonight "You are the very core key for the success of my plans and intentions of the world. We cannot wear the face of humans just to blend with society."

Then I sent back a reply message to the bats to have him hear me saying that we will be waging war with the Veil's Mask and the Underworld Government faction in Seattle. Better worse yet, it will be blood and gore every damned night. It will be complete chaos since those vamps are complete psychopaths. Then they got off the tree branches and flew off squeaking.

I went to visit Raptor's apartment.

"How's it going crazy head?"

"Ain't much mate, how 'bout you?"

"I was waiting all night, where've you been all this time?"

"Daddy Drac had to tell me something."

"Really? Man, that guy's an asshole."

"You ain't even met him before yet have you mate?"

"I saw him in my dreams. I know what he's like."

"He wanted for vampires and humans to coexist with the help of his eternal bride Mina Tepes."

"Shit really? That sounds good and bad at the same time."

"Not only will the 2nd inquisition of vampires and Salem witch hunts happen again, it will wage war on the Underworld Government's Veil's Mask."

"You have a point there. But I don't really give a shit about the world and these vampire politics I just want to fuck shit up and drink blood. I wish I was back in America in the Arctic Forests to hunt for my own food and blood but here it is hard. I've seen CCTV cameras everywhere here man."

"Outside cities, villages, and towns out on the lonely roads are actually our best bet for hunting."

"I thought you don't want to hunt?"


"I knew it, you're absolutely fucking insane. A day ago, you said you don't want to hunt for your own food now you do. Like back then you said you don't want a 'peasant job' you call construction and instead you wanted bigger things that pay less than construction. Then the next day you helped the renovation in the house working your ass the whole entire day smashing things and putting them back together with cement and carrying multiple buckets of rocks in each one hand saying you enjoy it, the next day you don't want to do it anymore. You're full-blown bipolar!"

"I might say I might be quite mad."

"No, you're not 'quite' insane, you are an absolute mental escapee! That is what I find hot about you though..."

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