Book I - Pilot Episode 2

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Chapter 2 - Acts of Dice (Pilot Chapter 2)

Renamed my new alias as Prince Dice. It's easier to call me Dice instead of Alucard. Plus the tone of calling me dice sounds badass to me anyway. So here I am, GUAGUA PLAZA!!! Unlike any other. I rolled for finances mixed with 7th Sense to get money. 6 out of 12. This might be hard. I might eventually get at least 50 pesos instead of millions. Using my 7th Sense my Cabaret I run here during my sleepwalks when I remember it's at Angeles City. Which might be correct since that's the only dreams I have familiar with. Except how will I contact my staff? Well hell, I guess I have to find somewhere else to get money. If I roll my 7th Sense one die I might find another cabaret club which is another branch of it. I know it's the underground of the Rufino Cardinal Church. I got 6 out of 12. The chances are half/half. So I have to find it somewhere. Rolling for intuition to know where it could be hidden using directions from local vampires. 3 out of 12. This is hard. I might not get the money I need. So I sent myself out to get a job, HAHAHA NO! I need a professional job that has a degree which I do not have. I've been self-studying using pirated copies of textbooks for a Hematology course at Oxford. I'll use perception this time. 7 out of 12. Average slightly high. Using my perception I could almost read the presences of people to see if they're vampires or humans. So here I found someone with a purple presence. She was smoking a cigarette. I walked up to her at Matchbox and sat next to her at the balcony above the underground bar club of the garden.


"Yes handsome?"

"Show me your fangs."

She giggled, "I have fangs but I'm wearing a face mask, protocols remember. You must be Prince Alucard."

"It is Prince Dice now my countess, to whom I owe the pleasure of meeting?"

"Yourself of course, I can see it in your eyes, you're
mixed with Noblesse blood. And some intelligent studies of the Sanguine, but the artistic appearance of a Matador. You're a pure Lunace regardless if you know too much. You must be the great Klei Nightwriter. I've seen your works on Wattpad and Amazon Kindle.''

"Oh right, I do have an Amazon Kindle account. I just don't know if someone bought one of my works yet."

"They're bestsellers now, my Prince."

"Perhaps I could buy you a drink, or a date? If you come with me to get my money from the ATM, I've been trying to find the Cabaret Club that I run."

"Yes, the Macabre, and The Rabbit Hole. Both clubs are for vampires exclusively. The Macabre is for all vampires but the Rabbit Hole is for Lunaces. There are too many Lunaces in Pampanga though but most of them are just ghouls with Lunace venom inside of them."

"Yes I figured. Mind if I ask you out to offer my lady a date with me?"

"You barely know me, but I know you too much."

"I thought you said Lunaces know too much?"

"Hah, you're good at this aren't you? No wonder why the Underworld Government respects you now."

"They used to look down at me. But now I'm at the top."

"Yes they've read your books such as Luciferius Luna. And Stella Dei."

"They must have been inspired."

"They already know how to think like you before you knew how to think like that, but the way you wrote it was beyond their comprehension. They thought they were absolute gods but you, you're intriguing..."

"Well I'll take that as a yes for my offer. Shall we go?"

"Yes my Prince. Dice..."

We held each other's arms and then we walked to the ATM and I got my money. At least 10,000 for the night. But it's too early, late in the morning.

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