Book III - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – The Moon is But an Illusion of Deception

Everything was happy for me now; the world is full of wonderful mysteries and there is too much to learn. So much to learn about the world than I already do, so little time in a few eternities. So, I spent my life doing what I do best. Gathering material for my book. Then write it down.

I went to Guagua town, just like in my dreams it's much better here in reality, or am I still dreaming? Who knows, but I must be cautious, this might be a reality now, or it is just another dream...

Nighttime was the time I actually went outside I just had bedrest first before going outside. I ate lots of good food. And the house renovation got back in business. I went to the cemetery that night. I felt like I was being watched at that time. Then I looked around to look for the person. I used auspex to track it down but all I see are ghosts. So, it will be harder to track him or her down. But I sense a red presence. I jumped from tomb house to tomb house roofs and jumped down and rolled onto the ground then stood up quickly as I recovered from the fall and it turns out it was Vayne.

Do my eyes deceive me or she looks physically real this time?

She greeted me with a good evening. I took her hand and kissed her ring finger and offered her a dance. And then we waltz all for an hour around the cemetery as we laughed together. Then she let go of me and ran off deeper into the cemetery.

I chased her but she was gone. I tried looking for her. But there was a trace of blood. And I smell... something intoxicating. I followed the traces of blood but the deeper I went into the cemetery the darker it was and the more blood there was to the point it was getting quite gruesome now. And then saw a dead body that Vayne was holding.

"Join me for a feast with me."

As a gentleman, I never refused a woman. Especially to Vayne. I fed on the blood on the human corpse and its blood was still as fresh as the spring season. Then it withered like autumn. She told me she'll wait for me at my house, I can go anywhere I want to. But if I ever visit here, she knows where to find me. She can see through my eyes.

We kissed tenderly and I couldn't leave her at all. She was beautiful, her pale skin white as the moon, her irises in her eyes were red as blood, her teeth had razor-sharp fangs, her hair was black and as long that it reaches the ground, and lastly, her gothic Lolita clothes fits her perfect body assets. If I ever want to see her again it's either my home where I can barely see her, or if I want to see her physically it's in this very cemetery and she will appear. I asked her to take me away and she said she cannot do that for I have so much to do in my life before she takes me. She promises to me she will take me as long as I stay loyal to her.

And as I always say, "My Word is my Soul.".

And then she turned into a swarm of butterflies and flew to the moonlight. And then, she never returned as I hoped she would.

A month has passed, the first floor of the renovation of the house is halfway complete. And as well as for my sweet Vayne, I kept my promise knowing that she will never return to me... every night I wait for her to come back to the cemetery in the same spot where we fed on that human. Yet... every sunrise I go back home and sleep for the day.

I went back home and gave up... I went on my daily night walks to Guagua and had fun with some newfound friends who I barely remember names but memorize faces easily. I am but a visual learner after all. With demonstration as well, I learn easier that way.

We all had fun but I was the only one that never drank. They did. They were good people. I thought they would be deceitful as the moon putting up a beautiful shine as its façade to hide its darker face. Which is the other side of the moon that never shines but is all pitch black.

I walk back home those nights of sunrises of the morning star we call the sun, and often to get fed with blood by nightly humane food such as Blood Pork Stew with Rice that Filipinos call it Dinuguan, coming from the root word "Dugo" means Blood and Dinuguan means Blood Food or Pork Blood Stew with Rice basically.

Then soon I took the ALS exam after skipping my nightly outings just to study hard and well to ace the scores of the examination in order to get a job as a Call Center Agent since I have not finished High School.

Some weeks later after processing myself to get into a huge company as a Call Center Agent until sunrise in Clark where I currently live in a shady apartment, I eat on nothing but Dinuguan every night. They said that my English is extremely fluent and almost felt like it had a British accent with all the vocabulary I have for my speech I was easily accepted to the company and gained enough money after a year to pay a scholarship exam and aced it. Then soon I went to take the UPCAT examination to test the abilities of my mind. And I aced it as well, easy peasy lemon squeezy. Then I started studying hard as a Blood Doctor. I wanted to partake in Psychiatry but I took a different category but in the same course in Medicine and Human Biology. Then I made it to America after getting a Ph.D. After all these years I still looked 17. Then I became a professor at Harvard University. As well as writing novels about vampires mixed with the genre of science fiction. How I studied my own vampire blood in order to gain knowledge and material to write my books with absolute best selling contents to send to the Editor in New York Times. Even after all these years I still am loyal to Vayne in which case she might never even return...

That night, I went to go outside and smoke. I started using telekinesis to a coin to make it float and spin around my hand. After the students witnessed me, I was smoking a cigarette. They ruined my whole career by snitching to the Harvard University Director. I was fired from my job. Then with all the money I had, I owned my own Cabaret. They titled me, Prince Alucard. It was a cabaret for vampires of New York City. We serve cattle's blood here. So, it's legal. I think? The Sanguinarians who live from Buffalo gave me a larger amount of money than I earned as a professor back in Harvard. They titled me The Lord of The Night! Instead of just being Prince, they titled me as LORD!

Not only all these hellish cattle's blood as elixirs I also practiced mixing them with alcohol or various drinks such as juice, coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, and of course the best I can come up with is Vodka mixed with cattle's blood but if you want a blood drink if you're human you can have vodka mixed with cranberry juice, Gatorade Red, and Red Bull can be optional if you want a hell of a night.

This Cabaret is not only for vampires but for humans to coexist with them. And for this underground cabaret, I put up some rules that we Vampires must not feed on humans publicly here even with given consent by the human, but to be in some guest rooms they have to rent for free. Or they can just go somewhere else if they really want to go in the heat.

You, vampire lovers, have heard of the stories of Sanguinarians, right? Real vampires, just humans who feed on the blood of willing donors, and they get paid as long as they have their consent, it's a traditional practice in Buffalo in New York City and some rare states of the USA.

But then my big brother found out about this after I lost my job, he thought what I'm doing is absolute madness, and extremely disgusting. I told him that this "madness" he accuses is legal and a thing. He's been living under a rock. New York is famous for real-life vampires. He was trying to start a fight until I told the only bouncer to kick him out. The bouncer was just a child actually, then he just laughed at me and made fun of my expensive red suit and red shoes and red tuxedo pants because my bouncer was a child. Then the child bared all of his teeth as razor-sharp fangs and his eyes went bloodshot red in just a millisecond and he ran away as fast as he could.

All thanks to big bro Reginald, he wanted me to be successful and it went all down to hell just because I smoked somewhere far away from the university and one of my students snitched. It's stupid. It's not fair. But when the teachers celebrate, they drink in front of the students, even the students are smoking outside the school and we teachers have to be role models to the students. We're not idols! We are teachers! This is pure stupidity, so I made my own faction of my own called the Macabre. Then soon, I met the Underworld Government contacting me as they visited me here in the Cabaret itself.

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