Book I - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – The Dice of Decision

Number 1 is for The Fool Trump Card

Number 2 is The Moon Trump Card

Number 3 is The Tower Trump Card

Number 4 is Temperance Trump Card

Number 5 is The Devil Trump Card

Number 6 is The Magician Trump Card

Each number of my die will decide a reliable power for each scenario that will happen from now on with this green die with white dots... a child to advise me which power I must use, which tarot power I must use in order to avoid such conflicts.

The Death Trump Card is my decision.

Today is the holiday season where the best tattoo artists give fake ink that does not need or piercing your skin for your tattoo to last for 3 months, I better decide on a good tattoo. Let's see, if 1 is The Fool it could be Joker tattoo, if 2 is The Moon can be a wolf if 3 is The Tower perhaps, I could get a dragon tattoo if 4 is Temperance perhaps angel wings, 5 The Devil would be the official Gokudo tattoo, Hannya, a yokai spirit that is known worse and more powerful than a simple demon ogre or an ONI which I'd love to get, and The Magician would be the 6th die number which might be a sigil or pentacle of a demonic sign for protection from spirits. Let's roll the die, shall we?


I rolled the die and I got 6. I guess I better go with that. To me, pentacle tattoos look rather amazing so I might choose from the Luciferian Witchcraft occult book I have in my library to get the tattoo I need. Let's see... hmm... AH! I saw it, the protection circle. I might get that! So, I took a clear photograph of it from my smartphone and left for the day.

Holiday Seasons, you expect COVID-19 pseudo-reality dream confusion insanity would come back? No, since President Duterte declared a massive rollout of vaccines for the nation's citizens, all people except underage minors must get vaccinated at once within the first last days of November. I happened to be the first in line since I have a PWD card, such as I said I am not very proud of that one. So here, everything is back to normal, the economy drastically raised up above the charts than beyond before the first declared lockdown of the nation of the Philippines since March 15th of 2020, the economy of the Philippines was down less than zero and everyone either died from hunger due to lack of money, or they have died of COVID-19. Half of the population of the Philippines has been reduced until after the pandemic here has lasted. We finally got the vaccines and the only drug I need for real-life escapism. To legally go outside instead of being locked up under house arrest that my psychiatrist made up just so I can go crazier and the crazier I am the more pills I have to buy from him thanks to isolation and being caged up like a wild animal. I finally got my vaccine! And since then, I've been going outside like promised, father got me my Debit card and it has 20,000 Pesos in it. It's a VISA card. I can use this to publish my books I've piled up these past few months that I've been relentlessly working on for a long time since as a child. I published all of them after hiring an editor and paying her on Discord that I happen to meet. She has potential. She claims to be a genius just because she read my book a little bit but not far enough. She got enlightened and inspired by it so she decided to do it for free. Until I got my debit, I did not want to pretend I have money and let her do my work for free so I paid her at least some Nitro for her Discord account. That consists of around up to over one thousand pesos which would last up to 3 months. You know these e-girls on the internet love their Discord Nitro, bitches love Nitro. Especially E-girls. So, Summer Sunshine which was her social media name she always goes by, I gave her nitro just so she can work on all of my books. Day by day she was motivated and the more she works the longer I extend her nitro until it lasts for 10 years. Until all of them are done, hence each day a book is done I publish them on Amazon Kindle and get the money I deserve day by day I increase my income. My books were drastically being published at least once a day every day! And here I got millions of pesos thanks to my supporters and fans worldwide on Amazon Kindle. They couldn't see such content like these on Wattpad at all! I became one of the top bestselling authors of the e-book world of the internet. And of course, the fastest seller of e-books on the internet. I was even interviewed online through a ZOOM MEETING but I told them I will save up that moment until I get to the New York Times on Television. But they told me they are going to Livestream it and have to see the true face of the writer behind these masterpieces. And they will pay me for that. I asked the price; they gave me a huge number of digits I couldn't comprehend! AND THEY'RE AMERICAN DOLLARS! CHA-CHING! So, for this interview, I asked the die which trump card I must use. It says 1, The Fool Trump Card, I know how to use this well, I've been doing this since Freshman Highschool. They interviewed me and I keep saying that I am a real vampire and no one believes no matter how convincing I say it and how my charisma works, instead we just make a bunch of vampire jokes. Well since it's still a pandemic in America we got a zoom meeting from Amazon Kindle and how fast I published all of these within a few days? Imagine that, over 50 books sold by millions of e-book lovers that I published. I told them that I can write up to 50 thousand words within 3 hours which is my minimum limit. They were shocked. They wanted to test my skill on how fast I write so they wanted me to stream my computer on Microsoft Word. So, I steam my monitor and started typing anything creative I can come up with. I wrote the least creative thing I could come up with and they thought it was far the most brilliant piece I wrote within 200 words under 10 seconds. I wrote faster than they could read. They asked me how I could type that fast. They asked me about my secret. I told them the secret ingredient to books is CAFFEINE!!! And you would not believe the looks on their faces when they went hysterical. They interviewed me more and more on and on and all I could talk about is my brilliance on how I see the perspectives onto the world in the eyes of a vampire. Imagine living alone, isolated, with an abusive father who neglects your emotional needs and you have to cope with your failures with superiority complexes, and now you made it that far by just using that superiority complex as just a coping mechanism just to get out of bed and write as fast as you can to do something productive once in your life, imagine, in the 18th century, you see London full of happy people and you live in a faraway castle as a vampire, isolated without an eternal bride, not able to go outside hence the sunlight is the main metaphor of the vampire in the novel why I cannot go outside in real life. Because of house arrest, I cannot go outside, for a vampire cannot go outside thanks to the sunlight. It works just like that. They asked me what I do at nighttime. I told them I take sleeping pills just to end my day and live another. The same old routine. They asked me how I felt about the entire year I spent writing nothing but books just to satisfy my superiority complex's fantasies and escapism. I told them that thanks to the Philippine lockdown I couldn't go outside no matter what. Even as a vampire you cannot get infected by any mere disease no matter how strong the strain is. Because vampires are already dead, well, undead, they are living corpses of society, even for ghouls, zombies, however, are natural viruses, but ghouls are supernatural viruses, there is no science in the supernatural that is why scientists can't still have the evidence that GOD exists up until now! They complimented my brilliance and works of art in everything I've written. It was all caused by the pandemic and the superiority complex. I made up my own fantasy just to escape the harsh cruel world but put too much realism into it that it turned into a dream since when something is too realistic and you believe it's the reality it is a DREAM. And you wake up to get a nice cup of coffee, some egg, bacon even, whatever suits your morning rituals, you go to your shitty car and work hard just to get paid little money whilst the rich CEO earns more money and work half less than you do and drives around his Porsche and you come back home hoping this NIGHTMARE will end. SEE?! Everything is just a dream, but I wouldn't call it a simulation, everything is all in the astral planes, they come from heaven to the purgatory, to hell, to earth, even outer space where you can't even see it in your human eyes. That is why Psychics know a lot. He asked me if I can read his mind if I am a psychic vampire. So instead of having to actually do that which I can, I didn't want to shock everybody that I'm a real-life damned bloodthirsty demon, I told him "Using my 7th Sense you are thinking of your favorite sex position." And they were laughing like WHAT?! And hysterically. I told them "It's 69, isn't it?" and I was just guessing it like some sort of joke and the man in the interview was shocked that I was accurately correct! Instead of them thinking I am a human using vampire jokes just to disguise it as a wolf in sheep's clothing which is the Fool Trump Card, they actually believed I am a real-life vampire. Then they started asking me questions about the Sanguinarians and Psi-vamps. And now I started speaking honestly. I told them yes, I am a real-life vampire, I am a hybrid of a sang and a psi. More like a psionic sanguine vampire. They asked me that drinking blood in the Philippines is illegal and would end me up in the asylum ward. I told them that was the main reason why I was sent there in the first place I was drinking my own blood I replied honestly which they thought was normal since Snags or real-life vampires do that to themselves often in New York in Buffalo where the sang vamps actually exists there the most population in the world do that during their awakening process. Since there was a psi-vamp in disguise that knew I was a vampire this whole time! HAH! I did not expect that and she told me I used the fool trump card. And I was so shocked and happy at the same time how she figured that out. And yes, I admit it. But I use this not to disguise myself but it can't be helped anymore. Millions of people are watching. I exposed myself. But she says it's okay. But however, how do I get my blood instead of my own if drinking blood in the Philippines is considered illegal. I simply told them I am a hybrid of psi and a sang. I feed off people's sanity instead of emotions which in White Wolf Fiction they call Lunaces. She said she loves Vampire the Veil's Mask and asked me if I played it. I told her I loved it. I bought it on PS4 during my birthday, which my dad treated me for since he loves how I'm into gothic stuff and vampires especially. Then she told me "Be careful you can show off as a vampire but don't break the Veil's Mask, Lunace Prince." She winked and I got excited by this because a fellow Underworld Government member is here in the interview with many viewers around the world, I couldn't believe it! I started laughing hysterically. And then they asked me again about where I get to feed if I don't get to feed on people since my father is the only donor for sanity draining. I told them that there is a blood dish that can be eaten by humans. It's called Dinuguan but in my local area, they call it TIDTAD. It's made out of pork's blood and other pork meat parts, especially what makes it tastier is using Pork's head in order to cook it properly. They asked me if I could cook such a dish and would I eat it every day? I told them that my mom cooks them almost every day for me but since she left for Japan to work for our finances as an OFW and we had some renovation in the house at work we couldn't cook at all. So, I told them that dad always orders food online from local vendors in the same village. And it's cash on delivery. Using a debit is not even an option. They even mentioned Anne Price's book from the Vampire Chronicles "Interview with a vampire" which they felt like this is the real version of it except it's the 21st-century version and they admitted I look better than Lestat and the vampire version of Tom Cruise from the movie itself combined. I laughed at the compliment and the entire interview went on until 12 hours. It was the most viewed interview with bestselling authors in the history of English literature. After that stressful yet fun interview, my father was proud of me yet disappointed in how I did my vampire jokes. I told him that the dice chose what I should say it has some sort of magic in it. Here I go again with my illusions, he said. I told him I make the illusions since I'm a vampire, dad watched the entire thing, I didn't even notice. And then I got a sudden urgent call from my mother and brother as a group call. My big bro was happy about it that I achieved something no one can, and my mother too but she wanted me to restrict the vampire jokes, as well for father he's both proud and entirely completely disappointed. I became the new Jose Rizal of the Philippines and everyone in the country read my books and they thought it was propaganda like Jose Rizal used his writings as Propaganda during world war II and they thought my books they assumed propaganda was something to tell everyone a message about society about being humans. Well... their conspiracy theories are correct. The whole world changed after that. And then it's the 24th of December... in the daytime. I wanted to get myself a temporary tattoo. But most importantly I need to get my money from the ATM. Without being seen by Filipinos. They would freak out! Since the locals know who I am and where I live, they will be fucking flip! So, what I did, I asked dad to get my hoodie right now ASAP. He asked what for? I told him I don't want any paparazzi bothering me because I'm going viral on social media especially here in Pampanga! They know where I live! He told me to calm down and he also mentioned to me that wouldn't that be great? I would get a lot of fans as I wanted? Have many friends, money, booze, and all that carnal desire bullshit?! NO! I wanted to send them a message, of course, I need friends but I don't want to be bothered by a crowd who knows I'm a complete introvert. I said that's different! He is mimicking my old-style acting, all childish and impatient and hyperactive, talking like a spoiled brat like how I used to from 2020 to March of 2021 until I entirely devoted myself to writing nothing but books and self-study for novels materials this entire year until Christmas Day! He is the immature mentally ill one and I'm the mature adult here now! How dare he mock me like this?! I'm the one always betting and wagering for something each time he underestimates me just to show off how capable I am of doing things when he thinks I'm useless. Now that I made it to the top of the world, he underestimates that I cannot be found out and or caught by paparazzi, fans, local people, or worse of all, the newscast reporters waiting outside of my doorstep! I asked him what the fuck he wants if he wins?! He told me to go all the way to SM mall by myself and go to GameStop at the Cyberzone area of the mall just to buy him enough money so he can buy all of the DLCs and season pass for his latest Assassin's Creed game on his PS4. Fuck this is too childish I accepted it anyways but if I win I he will buy me a casket or a coffin for my bedroom since no one in my family accepted that part of me as a vampire never letting me use aesthetics of my own! He was overestimating himself and overly confident. You know what they say, overconfidence kills the ego easily. It's unhealthy, the more you feed your ego the unhealthier you become and the higher risk of you losing. I am on the losing side of the chess game but he doesn't know my plans inside my head for him! He accepted the challenge for the first time we made a deal that we agreed together to bet and wager. He never wagers with me since when I become overconfident, he knows I can win easier than he can ever comprehend. But now he's the one overconfident and I know I can win. There is one thing he doesn't know. After I got Bred by a vampire at 11 years old, I barely aged a day. Which is something no one can see since the Moon trump card is always in effect 24/7 to the people, I hypnotize except for the new people that I talk to think I'm a child. But that trick never works on my father since I've hypnotized him enough so I can feed on his sanity. He doesn't know that as a fledgling vampire I always love to go outside at night. I know all of the shortcuts, secret passages, longcuts, main roads, alleyways, districts, streets, everything and everywhere I can go through even at rooftops so no one can catch me! I can just parkour all the way around. I am beyond google maps when it comes to navigation and geography in this province of Pampanga since I've lived my eternal youth by just traveling alone and going through shortcuts and long passages walking and running and jumping and leaping everywhere at night just to practice my vampirism. So he gave me what I wanted and needed for a "disguise" he jokes about, he gave me my old bandana which I prefer than a normal face mask since it's too revealing and everyone in town knows what the texture, color, and clothing of my mask are, I used the bandana which no one would expect, I wore my hoodie and sunglasses that I never used outside which was the old vintage glasses of my cousin Christian gave to me back during February 2020 during work here at the house, everyone knows what brand and appearance of my shades I use when I go outside with my father, then wore my hoodie over my head, wore my long pants, and shoes. So here. He did not expect I'd go by the window and I jumped down behind our house to the other street since there were many people waiting outside expecting I would come out any time soon. The adrenaline inside of me surges! This is THE DEVIL TRUMP CARD! My fight or flight neurotransmitter!!!

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