Book I - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – 21st Century Vladislav

Prince Voltaire is the name I come by, but most people just call me Prince. The Crown Virus's pestilence that plagued the entire surface of the mundane world has caused the 4 horsemen apocalypse to come. Pestilence of the COVID-19, the Death of the people by the pestilence, the Poverty of the falling economy, and lastly, the Famine of the natural disasters have caused thanks to global warming. And we are not in the state of calamity only but rather along with the state of post-humanism. As technology advances, the human mind devolves and regresses, ironically speaking, the humans who bred technology and technology are smarter than humans nowadays.

As soon as I have been vaccinated by the end of March, I was able to go outside again after 4 years of being locked up the exact same way my daughter in my first previous life, developed comorbid mental diseases. Yet, I am superiorly intelligent realizing this after given a psychological test during the early days when I was at the asylum and my IQ was above more than 250. When the average IQ in the country of the Philippines is less than 50 which 50 IQ is common in the Philippines. I do not want to repeat my backstory of how this all came to be but I did mention it many times already in my previous manuscripts "Luciferius Luna SAGA" and "Stella Dei SAGA" along with "Solvi Hotel SAGA" and "Stella Matutina SAGA". The Luciferius Luna SAGA is already been finished in under 5 hours minimum. As for my personality, it is already in those previous books especially Luciferius Luna SAGA, and the way I think, my mindset, my teachings, and how my perspective view of post-humanism of the world, especially in the Philippines.

I live here in the small village of San Juan Nepomuceno here in the town of Guagua. As mentioned, I recently got vaccinated by the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 or I call it the Crown Virus. I call it the Crown Virus thanks to its name "Coronavirus" made me connect the stars of the universe theorizing about the Chinese's intentions of the NEW WORLD ORDER which many conspiracy theorists say it is a biological weapon of the Chinese so they can become superior over the world and for population control. Since I have been vaccinated, I had the revelations of my mind through the divination of my dreams during the Luciferous Luna Saga and the rest of the other sequels of the rest of my previous manuscripts, all of what I have done there must be avoided, and of course not to repeat the same plots in this different book. My biological father was quite happy about this, he got vaccinated as well, I asked him if he can give me any money for my first day, he never lends me any money for he thinks I do it for dangerous things such as buying too many knives as a collection and have the intentions of slaughtering innocent people for "fun" and of course to FEED or overdosing on stimulating drinks such as caffeinated beverages such as my favorite quadruple shot iced espresso and several Lipovitan or Red Bull Supreme bottles, even too many cigarettes I could buy. It has been an old habit, even if my personality has changed, old habits die hard.

But regardless of those ideals and intentions I have, he lends me at least 150 pesos because we were both enthusiastically happy about this. For the first time, he trusts me or it's just that I'm old enough to go by myself now that he doesn't care anymore since he's tired of my bullcrap.

But if I get into trouble, I'm on my own. But if I drink any type of alcohol, he will never ever let me go outside ever again. Because drinking one glass will lead me back to the same rabbit hole I was. One time I was mentally unstable, he let me drink as much alcohol I wanted as for an alcoholic I was. Then I just went mentally worse afterward, and he never lets me outside as the psychiatrist put me under house arrest for the rest of my life which means taking away all of my human rights, ironically, I am not even human and they refuse to believe I am not human and they want to believe I am an actual human yet they do not treat me like one but a wild animal in a cage. A mad dog.

And of course, the worst part, being isolated inside my room, not being able to go to study, get a job, have my own wife and children, get a stable, quiet life. Both my mother and father refused me to go to college so I can succeed no matter how weak my mother is with multiple diseases inside of her heart, throat, liver, blood, cholesterol, thyroid, brain, and mentality. She pushes herself to work in a restaurant as a dishwasher just to send money here from Japan to the Philippines. She told me I am useless and refuse to help in the family. But when I ask her if I can finish my studies and get a job so I can give them money they told me I am too useless to do that and too dumb. When I was the top student of the entire school with the highest grades, outsmarting all of the teachers, the star athlete, and of course the gold medalist of each year's Pampanga Province School Chess Tournaments which led me to become quite famous too. And of course, the president of the school student council prefect of discipline, and the best article writer and president of the school newspaper club after I got bored of doing responsibilities of the students acting all lazy to do their studies. I had to become the most inspiring model as an article writer that was on the headline to help lazy students of the school campus to get their lazy asses up and be motivated to study for once in their goddamned lives!

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