Book I - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Prince Alukarde

5th March of 2021

I Woke up from my slumber late in the morning and saw reality this time. I feel like this time this is reality, Vayne stopped coming into my dreams last night. Although she came visiting around in the corners of my eye, she's always there watching but once I look, she looks distressed. Just because I found a physical real-life lover by the name of Echo, yes that is her real name. Who happens to live in Portugal that sold her soul to me just to be my lover? I was famous on the internet for doing favors, helping people, if they want to go too far to have eternal life, they have to serve me or go far to the point they have to sell their souls to me. She was everything I wanted! Vayne stopped giving me nightmares, however, my dreams were quite pleasant, the nightmares have stopped. I became immune to her charms and love potions because there is no other stronger love than two people that truly belong to each other's souls. Soulmates. I pledged my life to depend on her safety and love. And all of the lustful desires she needs, however she sold her soul to me, her body, and everything she has especially her blood willingly because of the huge lovesick crush she had on me. Last night I was on Discord talking to my newfound friends that loved me as a person. They were quite nice to me, open-minded people, accepting people of society. Thanks to my preaching of my knowledge of my perception of reality in humanity. I preached those words on public channel chats on the public server of Discord platform CHAT FOR GAMERS, which I joined when I was 16. Now, I am 21 and almost 22 years old by July. I felt like I was being watched and stalked. I only had 3 servers in my new account since I had too many haters for my intelligent personality that often top people of society hence bottom of the food chain are in spite of jealousy against me, I bred a new account to go to new servers instead of people having to track me down and bully me. As well as for my own safety for the Gokudo to stop creating fake accounts and deceive me and after that give me death threats saying where I live and how they are going to kill me and each night I have to stay awake in a dream walking to protect my home, my father, and my mother who's in danger in Japan as we speak. I often visit Osaka Japan because that is where she lives. So, on those nights, I do Gokudo hit jobs for extra blood rage for the mad dog to be out on a walk once a while.

This willing self-soul selling woman Echo was extremely devoted to me. She never spoke a word to me on the server but she added me and found out we have the same 3 mutual servers which struck me as paranoid. She started mirroring my virtual British accent of British. I see that she's trying to impress me. I doubted her at first, I thought she was deceitful until I had to use my intel, Tarot Cards. I love reading. If I see THE MOON or 7 OF SWORDS or THE FOOL REVERSED it means I am being deceived but none came there except for the best Love Cards in the tarot. Ace of Chalices, Two of Chalices, and The Lovers. Those three cards are the most accurate combination of cards that interact with each other that make the everlasting relationship. I needed confirmation, I shuffled the cards again and put on the outcome card "10 OF CHALICES '' which means, True Love, Marriage, Family, and all that. Now I see, this is my everlasting eternal bride and love and soulmate indeed. She has red-dyed hair just like how I had the same hair as I did in my dreams. And she asked me if I wanted to know more about herself. As a vampire, I have a high sex drive. So, I asked her to give me permission to ask something perverted and she seduced me so I asked her what bra size she has. She told me she will show me...

She gave me... pictures... of herself. And I was... I couldn't help myself anymore! I was... in heat! In extreme heat!!!

After the virtual intercourse, we fell in love even deeper. And she told me I have the best words to tell her to warm her heart and the best seductive ways to make her feel appreciated from her body insecurities. And she lusted and loved me for that. She herself sold her soul to me for my eternal love. And so, I did. That was the first ring of the blood and roses vampire marriage.

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