Book II - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - A Hunter, a Scholar, and a Vampire, the unholy trinity

I am a hunter to rogue vampires, it's my job as prince of the Underworld Government in this certain country, a scholar of 2nd-year college and still managed to keep my scholarship thanks to my aced top grades, and of course a vampire. Just like Trevor Belmont, Sypha, and Alucard at the same time in one person. That is who I am. Except that Alucard is half-vampire and half-human from the Castlevania series that I indulged in watching last night after I haven't touched my laboratory yet which I will start my research at Summer break. I have to spend time with my family during the holiday season. And of course spend time with my mother at Church Masses since it's the birth of Christ, and my father will be alone in the house because he's an atheist, but I will come back to him later and bond with him more. The second semester is already here and I have to finish my 2nd year of college in Hematology Engineering, the more I learn about blood, the more I can study my own vampiric blood as well as using a human donor as a specimen, and of course to see the interactions between the two, and of course to use my venom and my own saliva since my saliva is known to be a vampire's sedative opiate to humans once touched internally such as the mouth, lips, tongue, and wounds, even bite marks. The venom is just like rabies from dog's once a dog has tasted blood their rabis will come out of their gums which is their venom. Just like snakes when they bite something their venom will come out. The venom of a vampire is an unknown pathogen in the history of science. It is a contagion, an infection, that can turn someone into a ghoul if killed, if left alive the venom remains dormant, if the person is dead and the venom is inside it reacts into the dead blood of the person and will the person will reanimate into a ghoul. But they will not know what happened to them during the embrace of the vampire or bite or turning, but vampire blood is the only way to turn someone into one. That is the only theory I have. It's the opposite of a virus, if a virus sees a living cell it will infect it, but if there are no cells that are alive they will remain dormant. It's confusing. That is why I wanted to study hematology in the first place. My obsession with vampires went too far from studying the occult into science. To the point, I even had to fund my own laboratory!

Holiday seasons. Mom took me with her to go to the San Agustin village of San Fernando City at the intersection of Dolores that leads to Angeles. During that time of night, I only drank light beer, I didn't want to go wild. So I just chug one light beer per hour. And just smoke as much as I can and barely eat anything. And then mom wanted me to sing Baka Mitai. Oh, God. It's here on their Japanese songbook! Just because it so happened that I sang this song for her when I have hospitalized thanks to gastritis once for her birthday on the video call, she wanted me to sing one once more. And I sang it emotionally in a very extreme overacting way. They all clapped how good I was but my mom criticized how many errors of my Japanese words to the lyrics are wrong. I told her I sang it in the Kansai dialect. She figured. I got wasted on beer, I overdid it again. I can't even walk. I'm passed out. Mom called dad that we'll be home by tomorrow morning since dad doesn't like spending new year's eve at all, he doesn't care about his holidays even his own birthday, he always says that it's just a normal day like every day else. I woke up with a slight hangover, it's a type of hangover that I call a light hangover when instead of your hangover being heavy that you get massive headaches and all that, you get high as if you're on weed. It's just the alcohol was light and the interactions with the alcohol in my brain is just but bipolar. It depends on my mood to reach a hangover, if last night's drink party was awesome I would get high the next day I wake up, if it was depressive I would get a bad hangover. It's some quirky thing I have inside my brain. I woke up mom and asked for money from her for me to go back home. I'll go home without her since it will take an entire day for her to wake up. She just told me to get as much as money in her purse. Thanks, mom! You're the best. I went outside of the bedroom to the outside of the door inside the gates and SHIIIIT! THE SUNLIGHT! I HISSED AWAY AND HID MYSELF INTO THE DARKNESS. It was too bright. I guess I have a bit of a heavy hangover. I don't know where I put my sunglasses I was too drunk I think I might have misplaced them. I looked around. I rolled for 7th Sense. 2 die, I'm not even going to think about trying. It's too low. I looked outside one more time with my hood over my eyes and tried to navigate in the blurry light and saw the sunglasses near the dog that's chained up, I remember that dog hates me last night, he almost bit me! Good thing my reflexes were fast I even countered it by kicking it too but I apologized right after in a short time with a 90-degree angle bow. Shit... I can just tame this beast. Roll for beast taming using vampiric presence double time. 4 out of 12, I failed and it started barking at me louder and it alerted the rest of the neighborhood's and the entire village's dogs that are astray outside waiting for me outside. It's best if I stay in the house until everyone wakes up. Or I can call my dad to pick me up here. So I called him, but shit, I don't have a top-up load for my Simcard. I can't call. Even if the signal is high. So I borrowed mom's phone whilst she's asleep and called dad that there are dogs outside and I really am bored wanting to go back home. I wanted him to pick me up with his Montero car or whatever. So he said he will and I waited for 15 minutes he's already there. I also mentioned bringing his shades since the dogs got my sunglasses. He said he will Count Vampire. AAAH The way he jests at me is but mere mockery!

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