Book I - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Gehenna's Wind

I went for an enthusiastic walk into the woods where the dogs are usually around in this trespassing area. The dogs barked at me but I tamed them well. They follow me around now since they're just stray dogs who live in the forest. I walked at the Fritil of San Juan Nepomuceno during the night. Then I went to the park in the middle of nowhere here. I just saw benches and roofs on each of the tables. I sat down and they asked me for food. So, I grabbed my food from my plastic bag from 7-11 today and gave it to each of them. Since if you throw them in the air each of these dogs will turn into a wolf fight. So, I fed each one. I learned that the hard way when I used to feed Iris and Roxy together. They were ruthless and merciless to the trespassers but to me, they are kind and gentle now. So, I spent the night with them. I told them to go back home but using telepathy they told me they don't have a place to stay. I told them I promise that I will feed them once in a while every visit. So, they scrammed off happily. I spread my wings and flew to Santa Rita. I landed in an alleyway so fast no one could see me do it. But it hit the ground making it quake a bit. I should try to master land fast enough not to make any noise. The ground was kind of broken, and now it's leaking a bit of water from it. I went outside of the alleyway and walked around the closed university called the Dominican College of Santa Rita. But it turns out I trespassed through a COVID-19 medical site. But the weirdest thing is that there is no one around here, no nurses nor guards. I looked around the medical chamber of pestilence where lies nothing but the rotting smell of death. I gave each of them my blood and left as soon as the front liners arrived. They must be probably getting themselves vaccinated. I thought all people say we all humans are the same but no matter how fast the COVID-19 infection rate is, ex; 10,000 a day increases up to 20,000 for another day and it increases drastically each day. Why won't they give all of the vaccines simultaneously to all people? Soon in 2022, the only population of the Philippines is nothing but nurses and doctors and their rollouts to the vaccines to the citizens is by the end of 2021, which is the 4th quarter of the entire year. The media said that themselves. They can't give us vaccines. Wait... I have a sense of deja vu and some dreadful senses of dream-pseudo-reality confusion. Didn't I get vaccinated a few days ago?! Why is there a massive lockdown right now? Why are they taking curfew violators to jail at this early time of night? Wait, what is happening?

I woke up. It's the 21st March of 2021... there are still no vaccines, I know it, I am still stuck in the dream-pseudo-reality confusion. I don't get it... where is Jonathan?! Oh... looking at my phone's clock it's Sunday, it's their day off. I went outside of my room expecting nothing interesting and if there would be a massive vaccine rollout to the citizens I wouldn't bother to be surprised. I spent the day lying down and crying due to a mental breakdown. My father doesn't bother comforting me. He's too soft to comfort me. He might end up crying too. With him crying, where will my role model go? See? This is why my father neglects me on purpose.

There will be no vaccines until all of us citizens are infected and once you're already infected the vaccine does not work at all. You have to be vaccinated before you get infected or will never be infected. Now... the entire Philippine economy is dying not only thanks to the Government's lockdown instead of giving away the vaccines to the citizens who need them to raise up the economy, but they also had a total lockdown so everyone in the middle class and lower, even the high class who are not front liners will be dead soon. And the variants spread faster and even deadlier trice than the original pathogen. As for me... what will happen to the world?

April 13th of 2021, Friday the 13th. The fallen Cherub's Birthday, Satan.

Lucifer morning star the sun itself has been blazing brighter and closer to the Philippines since we are at the equator. And it is weakening me, first thing in the morning we couldn't turn off the air conditioner. I woke up very late in the morning which is something unusual for me. It means something bad will happen. If I wake up by dawn, many good outcomes, but if I wake up by sunrise it means mental stress nonetheless. Then here, my father did not even get up to make breakfast just so I can have my coffee and cigarettes since he banned me from doing that as a routine which instead, I have to eat first since well, he doesn't want me to go back to the hospital getting gastritis again. As for me, I fed enough on humans using dream walk whilst conscious at the same time which I can astral project without having to faint and still highly conscious. But this is inefficient for feeding. I need raw fresh blood from the living. Instead of having to use emotional energy as food just for me to survive. I am slowly aging to 19 now I used to be looking 13 years old a year ago since 2020. But what's the story here is that my father is having a hard time breathing. I asked him if he's okay and he's just staring at me as if he's hypnotized. I remember since the 31st of March of 2021 we went outside to get mother's money just to buy a stock of food, pay bills, and extra money for me to buy a steam card which costs more than 20,000 pesos. Using common-sense without 7th Sense he has been infected with COVID-19!!! SHIT!!! I grabbed his phone and tried to call 911 but they're all on hold with other callers who need emergency. I grabbed his keys and sprinted outside without the time to wear a face mask. But unluckily for me to see someone sprinting without a face mask and a face shield during a total lockdown or CIRCUIT BREAK in the entire Philippines, I got caught and I tried to explain to them that my father has COVID-19 and I have to call somebody for help in the barangay hall. They asked me where I live, then I sprinted back home telling them to follow me and so they did. They all called for an emergency ambulance and front liners to help us. Especially my father is in critical condition. He has the South African Variant. How did it get here so fast?! I thought that only exists extremely rarely for at least 3 infected people with the same variant. Out of all Filipinos in this huge country from Metro Manila, the fuckin' deadliest variant came here to my father all the way to Pampanga! I might be infected! I am subconsciously human thanks to my human compassion but during my superiority complex mode, I consciously know I am a vampire, the only thing that proves it is that I drink large amounts of my own blood. Sometimes when my father cooks, I secretly take a huge sip of blood from the meat that he is supposed to cook but since he doesn't need the blood I DO! So, I drink from it. Just since the 20th of March 2021 I put my pinky finger into pure fish blood and sucked it then said "Toasty~!" But that's not the point here! My father! He has many damages and critical states of diseases inside his body, even normal COVID could kill him. Father was sent to the isolation ward and I myself alone not used to being without my father felt lonely. I thought being on Discord online without having any friends is lonely, having no girlfriend during Valentine's Day during the pandemic and everyone are dating online this 2021 February 14th a few months ago was lonely, not only that I thought I had an actual date turns out she cheated on me with multiple men and she barely talked to me the entire day. HERE, this is the loneliest feeling in the world worse than feeling the void inside the emptiness of your chest. Using my ULTIMATE 7th Sense to see the secrets of the universe using the stars creating words to sentences to paragraphs even the entire revelations and divinations and vision seeing's using my third eye or the 7th chakra opened wider than the usual every day. I saw his death... and he was... his soul... trapped inside the hospital forever. And I have to visit here every day just so I won't have to feel lonely to the least. He would be cremated. I got tested and have to wait up to two days inside the hospital but I asked them if I can have black coffee and have smoke breaks every now and then. They said I can as long as I am nearby the guard.

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