Book I - Pilot Episode 4

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Chapter 4 - Home Sweet Home

I woke up... I am having some thoughts that it must have been a dream but how long was I out? I'm in a hospital room...

"Thank God you're alive! You've been out for 4 years... sir James."

"Just... call me Dice from now on."

"Okay Mr. Dice."

"PRINCE... Dice."

"Alright Prince Dice. I will contact your parents first and then the doctor, he will be grounded here tonight."




Doctors checked everything and discharged me. I asked my father what happens to the house now since he has to pay hospital bills instead of renovating the house. He said not to worry, my big brother funded everything for us including my hospital bills. I was still so weak.

"Dad? Where are my dice?"

"Oh of course the magic dice. You always ask them, here."

I sat down on the table and my humanity was 3, and my hunger was 6.

Dad learned how to cook the best dinuguan for me, I always told him Cattle's blood is the best for vampires if they want to eat animals. So, he learned how to cook BEEF Dinuguan. Now that I mentioned my hunger level is 6, I'm quite literally hungry for both human and vampire. I ate as fast as I could until my stomach couldn't handle it anymore.

And then here I asked what happened to the Vatican?

He told me he doesn't know but he's seen the news. He was worried. He didn't know how I got home either but as he opened the door I passed out and fell into a coma, he thought I was just extremely exhausted from the flight from the Vatican from my job trip as some demon slayer or something. Then I didn't wake up for 3 days and he decided to take me to the hospital for dextrose. I can't stay in the house to get dextrose at home instead for homecare for health because the house was getting renovated. The house is amazing, I have my own room with neon lights with tinted windows so the sun won't come through.

I asked what about the pandemic? He said sadly, it's not over yet. But the Philippines had herd immunization started a few months ago. I went to bed rest and before I take my psychiatric pills, I have to be checked by my psychiatrist including a blood test. The appointment is tomorrow...

The next day...

"Looks like you woke up early, you're excited, aren't you?"

I looked gloomy and depressed. I was still exhausted after what I did, if that was restriction level 1, I could have been in a coma for 5 years instead of 4, and I might not make it alive...

"I didn't... sleep."

"Are you hungry? Beef dinuguan, there's still more. It's your breakfast."

"..." I keep looking out the window where the rain is so hard.

"If you need me, I'll be downstairs, okay?"


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