Volume 5: Book I - Pilot Episode 1

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Stultus Est/Dhampir's Desipre SAGA 4th Edition

Stultus Est: Literal Escapist's Freedom

Klei Nightwriter

Part I: Abraham Van's Hell sings (Pilot Episodes)

Chapter 1 - Rock and Roll Lock and Load (Pilot Chapter)

I woke up after the whole day of sleeping. I woke up at sundown. It is now 5:30 PM, 2nd of May 2021. I ate dinner early since I have told to my father that I have somewhere else to go. He asked me where? Somewhere I can find something to sink my teeth into. He said he's serious. Just Guagua, at Santo Nino, I'll sleep at Grandma Pelly's house I'll go bring my pills in case I might not fall asleep. He gave them to me since he entrusted me with them. I asked for a double dose of my benzos. He gave a full pill of Klonopin instead of just half of it. Since well he already knows I enjoy being high on it. As I mentioned, it feels like being drunk every night since alcohol and benzos such as Klonopin have the exact same effect. He doesn't believe so until I've proven so with my research. I am also a self proclaimed scholar of my own intuition school of self study of pirated Hematology textbooks from Oxford University. I started studying on the 25th of March, 2021. I studied a lot and learned quite a bit of understanding the biology of human blood along how it works and the disorders and infections it might have if the blood is infected with some contagion. I do this for my own self-fulfilling life work as proof of the existence of vampires but keep the documents personally. I wanted to breed my own laboratory inside of my own room which the entire house is now renovated. It is done, and if I ever wanted to visit Jonathan, my best employee of the months since he started working for the renovation of the house I promised I would give him a pack of cigarettes to repay me for bringing me cigarettes every morning after a cup of joe. So I sent out to venture myself in the night. He told me if I can't stay at Grandma Pelly's house, which he doubts I cannot, they will always welcome me there as long as I don't go to another psychotic episode which hasn't happened anything related to that since February. He knows I am behaved now. And thus the pills I am bringing with me. He entrusted me if I want to go back home instead make sure to make it before the curfew hours starts. Which is 10 at night. Even cities of Pampanga has curfews even inside San Fernando City and Mexico even at the Walking Street where hookers are out after midnight in Angeles City. But before I go, dad gave me a huge bag of Tempura chips which was imported from Japan he bought randomly when he went outside today. It's my favorite chips, so I commendable thanked him for that. I spent the night going to Cabetican first. I might stay inside Jonathan's house if I ever sleep and just text my dad about it. He trusts Jonathan and knows he is the only close friend that he can trust to be with me. The rest of my former friends? Not so much. They were fake. So here I am, at Cabetican at the border. I went to look around asking the locals using his alias "Tan Tan" which means Jonathan in Filipino, I used that term to search for him and found out where he was. I went to the direction people has destined me to go and found him playing Basketball.



"Bukkoroshitte yarou ze!"

"Hahah! Well if it isn't a vampire? Can you howl again? It's night time."

"But the dogs freak out."

"Really?" he had a serious look on his face but using my 7th Sense he might be joking, 7th Sense is level 5 die, so I assumed as much. My power has increased throughout the months. All I did was to practice my mentality on writing books 24/7 unless I have to sleep in the night time which was since first of March until the first of May which was the vaccine rollout to the priority list, thanks to my PWD ID Card I got vaccinated just recently yesterday but I wanted to spend the time with dad outside, I used hypnosis to make everyone think he's a senior so he can get vaccinated too. Well he does look very old, wrinkly, has many diseases, well he does have comorbid diseases many of them actually, and he's to be considered a senior citizen but he wanted to retain his youthful spirit. I understood it since I'm eternally young as a forever 13 year old. I will be almost at the age of 22 soon on July 29th of 2021, and my birth year was 1999. There's no hypnosis needed but it actually worked and dad looked at me disappointedly instead of being shocked. Using my 7th Sense at level 12 max double time dice I already know the fact that he hides that he knows I am a coldblood bloodthirsty demon but just didn't want to excite me. The only thing that mom doesn't understand about vampirism is that vampires do not get sick. Except for the time I got gastritis thanks to my psychiatrist's happy pill called Prozac which I definitely enjoyed, no side effects at all, nothing bad, just pure euphoria mixed with espresso shots and Red Bull, and then I had a gut inside my stomach. Thanks to that strong antidepressant I got a gut in my stomach it was the only temporary cure for a lifetime as long as we have the money to buy more stock or Prozac. I even was tempted to overdose. One time I drank Prozac after the appointment with my doctor I took the pill as recommended that early morning since I don't have any antidepressants in the morning, then took Red Bull and Starbucks 3 shot espressos, I started laughing inside the Jeepney I fuckin' lost my shit bro! I couldn't help it to the point I have to break the 4th wall just to say I am laughing my ass off here whilst I am writing this masterpiece right now HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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