Book II - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Waking up from a comatose

I was dreaming about numbers... after what happened previously... 108.1 million citizens in the Philippines, within the end of the year which they officially declared for the vaccination will be up until 285 days since March 22nd of 2021, 8,000 people on average gets infected daily. If I use my ultimate 7th Sense just to use simple math's which I am extremely bad at it... the answer is that 2.28 million people will die...

That makes one 105,820,000 people left alive in the Philippines after vaccination...

I woke up in a hospital... where am I? What day is it? Wait no, I'm a vampire, WHAT YEAR IS IT?! How long have I been asleep in a vampiric coma?! My mind started freaking out. I was shouting and the nurses burst inside the room trying to calm me down.

"Mr. James Klei Olimpo I'm sorry but you fell into a deep comatose..."

"A coma? I figured... what year is it?"

"It's... January 2022."

"2022... how did I fell into a comatose?"

"You had a critical-severe anxiety attack that went for the entire month of April. You lost all oxygen then you passed out. Your father thought you could wake up anytime but you didn't so he sent you here... to this hospital."

"How's the house? My house...? Dad had to pay hospital bills here so the house would to stop renovating right?"

"I don't know about that; we will call your father right away. Is there anything you need?"

"Black coffee, iced... and a cigarette."

"We can just give you a black coffee but we don't have ice." she smiled

"Thank you... please call my father."

"Yes, of course."




I got vaccinated during my comatose after all, 2 million and more people have died thanks to the pandemic. But I survived. I had the longest dream ever. Everyone was no longer wearing a face masks and face shields. They are all vaccinated and the herd immunity will be up until next month. I didn't need to wear a face mask anymore but I wore one because it's cool anyway. I ate lots of good foods from Chow King that day I woke up. But before I got discharged, they had to do clinical exams on me and how my head is. It's perfectly fine. That night there was no more quarantine nor curfew. All restaurants are open for business 24/7.

When we went back to the house it was half done... we didn't make the first floor... the renovation stopped after I fell into a coma. Those dreams I had... is this another dream too? Don't know, doesn't matter, what matters is that I am free now. No more house arrest since the pandemic in the Philippines is over.

We don't have any money anymore and all of mom's sold property money came to the hospital bills... I feel guilty about it and feel like a burden to them.

I went outside for the night and strolled around Guagua.

The next day, after the new year 2nd day of January 2022

I woke up at dawn then fell back asleep, I had a dream about the backrooms. I made it out after reaching from level 0 to 2 finding the door then opened it saw a bright light then here, I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight. I got up, went outside of the bedroom, and took my painkillers. Yesterday dad bought me, pain killers, the migraine clusters are hitting again. I took Advil or ibuprofen. Each time I take this I get a serotonin high and an extra dose of dopamine especially when mixing it with coffee espresso one shot makes me feel as high as a kite whilst smoking a cigarette. I ate lots of food before that. I've been pale and empty stomached so I have to eat as much as I can to gain back what I lost for the past year. I texted Jonathan and asked him if he's available. He told me he is, he's at his home without a job for now since the renovation wasn't continued since my comatose. I said sorry about it because it may be my fault why the renovation wasn't continued because their paycheck had to go to the hospital bills so they were forced to quit their jobs. He said it's okay and it isn't my fault, in fact, I am his brother anyway so I asked him where to find him. Then I told him I want to guess where he lives since I have my 7th Sense working a little bit. I haven't had blood in a year. Or at least some emotional energy to feed on. Quite depressed at this point. He said okay guess. Cabetican was my answer. He was shocked and asked how I knew. I told him I'm a vampire remember? He now believes it. He told me there's sunlight outside how can I go out with him today? I simply told him I have my cousin pogz's vintage sunglasses I can just go in the shades of trees or whatever there are shadows as long as I don't get exposed to sunlight too much because I have a sun allergy if that happened again, I might have to buy prescription pills for my skin from the dermatologist, cream, and a prescription special soap for that. Just like the last time father and I went outside. He said he noticed that too, the blue bar of soap with a lavender scent that was too strong. It even sticks to my skin. So, I took a fresh bath before going outside and wore my hoodie and shades with shorts and expensive sandals. These sandals are sturdy they have lasted too long in my life now and they haven't been damaged ever since, well, unless you put them underwater surely, they'll break easily.

I told him to meet me at the border of Betis to Bacolor in Cabetican itself. So, he went there to wait for me as I took a jeepney drive. I did a 123 on the jeep so I don't have to pay without getting caught which is one of my Illusion's Obfuscate power which is quite weak for now. I need blood and I am getting hungry. I am not going to go on a blood rage because I spent the entire year under a vampiric dormancy. It happens to all vampires who get too stressed out and decides to take a nap for a hundred years but for me took a year only. Then here I met him.

"My 7th Sense tells me you have lots of friends here."

"Of course, I do who doesn't?"

"No matter where I go, I'm always a lone wolf. I socialize a lot from pack to packs and no one accepts me in their society."

"That seems sad even though I don't get it a bit."

"Quite. Let's start forming our group using your friends. I need you to introduce me to your friends and tell them how great of a friend I am."

"You've been always great and very unique Shi-san. Let's go."


We walked to the first 2nd purok of Cabetican which is the left side of the road to the way to San Fernando from Bacolor. The right side was where my old classmate that used to be my best friend Ian was. Then here I met his friends and I recruited all of them as a group of young adult Gokudos. For trainees like them, I have to teach them my ways. I named our family "OkamiMure Dantai", OMD, instead of Kyokishi family. We see each other here as equals there is no hierarchy unless I declare it so after making this group official to the Okiwa Alliance.

They seem to be good people instead of acting all toxic who want nothing but drugs. They just smoke, drink, and love women just like I do. But I barely drink. If I ever drink ONCE... I will never stop until dawn and pass out for a few minutes and wake up without a hangover and continue my day without getting drunk.

The Book of Voltaire 5 VOLUMED BUNDLEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora