FINAL ACT - Chapter 5

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Part II: Mr. Jones and The Devil

Chapter 5 - It's Rewind Time!

End of November, December 1st 2021 morning, massive rollout for vaccination.

I got vaccinated. Finally. Remember the thing I need to stay as, human mode. I learned it since after rewatching Dracula on Netflix too many times now. There was something in there to know about which is missing in my life since I relate too much to Dracula in the Netflix series. The Charisma, the accent, the way I talk, the way I feed, the way I am manipulative, a huge wolf in disguise of human skin, and everything else, unkillable. Immortal.

Let's see...




I am at Guagua now, Holidays seasons has started, there is no more quarantine, face masks and curfew. Since of course there are vaccines to all citizens. Back in JBL they made it clear that the comorbid patients that needs of vaccinations are only for senior citizens and I am what? 21 years old at that time and I'm 22 years old now. I spent the time in Guagua strolling with no money at all, well at least dad gave me 100 pesos but I asked for more, he gave me 20 pesos more after. The vaccination sites were on each village on all towns all over Pampanga as well as for the entire nation of the Philippines. Good thing I brought my own lighter but did not bring sunglasses since I am in human mode for the day and there is a high risk of vamping out at night.

I have to control that.

People here might celebrate by drinking alcohol thanks to their vaccines inside of them. But suddenly, the municipality staff went all over town declaring the COVID minimum health standards thanks that they also preannounced that that vaccine is just a shield, there is still a chance of being infected by COVID but you won't most likely die from it. So basically, this vaccine is not a cure not even a vaccine at all but a suppressant for symptoms. And then I spent the time going to Grandma Pelly's house to get some free coffee despite its taste is unbearable but as long as the more bitter it is the better it tastes so I made 5 shots into the cup with a bit of hot water and then took the shot in one go into a shot glass. It was delicious and got me high! It gave me wings!!!

And then here Grandma Pelly was here being quiet asking her what's wrong. She told me Loyloy died right after vaccination. But doctors denied it's the vaccine was the cause when Loyloy was more than healthy overall without any sickness nor a disability either. It must have been something in his body that's defective. I called bullshit; she agrees with it too. I can't ask money from her mourning grief this time. At least I got my coffee and don't have time for drama so I told her I got places to go and she said goodbyes to me and I said my farewells and went outside. No wonder why everything there was quite even Sarsa the dog was quiet. She must have missed Loyloy. So, I wrote this as one of my non-fiction autobiography novels into my account of my google documents on the piconet cafe. I left afterwards but first I published this all over the internet and became an anti-vax even no matter how badly I needed it, I never wanted to get vaccinated in the first place honestly, but in all in honesty I just wanted to go outside and the vaccine is the only gateway drug.

I walked around in confusion. The doctors have no exact evidence how my dearest cousin Loyloy died right after getting vaccinated. He had no illnesses whatsoever he's extremely healthy, he never smokes nor drink nor do anything recreational. He eats the right foods and eats a lot more than I do. His strength was strong, his immune system is higher than mine, and here he just died right off the bat, what for? The vaccine! So, I bred a propaganda of my book as an anti-vax after I saw the truth! People say, seeing is believing. First, I posted this article in my Wattpad page and then wrote the rest of my opinions about it in my google documents for my next non-fiction autobiography novel. And here I am confused, but I drank a Lipovitan drink to shake off the feeling and bought Winnsboro cigarettes to smoke as much as I can at the parking lot of the church. I was weeping remembering the nostalgic memories of my childhood with him and also Bol-Bol. I hope Bol-Bol is okay so I had to visit him but he's way too far, he used to live around Guagua with his family until it was destroyed by super cyclone Euless and they moved to my dead grandma's house after she passed away, they moved in there with my aunt's permissions who owns it. At first, she was trying to sell it, when a Japanese man was trying to buy the property for millions of pesos over 100 million pesos she declined after she got a call that my aunt's sister, aunt Cecil which her son is Bol-Bol, they had to move into that mansion. There is no reception there and as well as internet and if they ever had internet, it would be too slow. So, we barely get to talk from virtual contacts. We don't see each other personally very often.

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