Book II - Chapter 1

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Luciferius Luna II: Oceans of Time – Dreamwalker

Klei Nightwriter

Part I: The Misadventures of Prince Alucard, Pilot Act

Chapter 1 – Eternal Insanity

"I've gone mad!!!" I shouted inside the bedroom.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, my nightmares.

"What time is it?! What year is it?! What is the date?! Where am I?!" I was having a mental breakdown thanks to the dream-reality confusion.

Then there it was... the same old thing.

The renovation of the house at work, the COVID-19 vaccine being rolled out throughout the nation, the absolute freedom from the ebony tower, and the carnal desires that I will start to redo again!

I walked outside of the bedroom wearing my sunglasses.


"Yes, Klei?"

"What... time is it?"

He pointed at the clock on the wall. I hovered my eyes over it and it was 9:30 AM.

"What date is it?"

"March 2."

"The year?"

"This is why I told you to take your damned pills. You've been up all-night writing nonstop. I couldn't sleep because of the clacking of your keyboard."

"Ah, shit... sorry..."

"It's fine, but it's okay, you must take your pills but you don't need to take the sleeping ones after you get vaccinated. Vaccination is supposed to be today but I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Jesus Fuckin' Christ!"

"What's wrong? You're supposed to be happily excited like some spoiled 7-year-old kid about this vaccine and freedom talk. Here, take your pills you didn't take last night. Except for the sleeping ones, I need you to stay awake for today. Dress up after you eat. I'll treat you to Housebrew coffee today since it's a special day for you."


"There you go that's the spirit!"

"No, it's just that... everything I wrote was the same thing over and over again expecting shit to change. But today... I never would have thought my own fictitious fantasies would come to life! That is what is driving me insane!"

"No, you just didn't take your pills."

"No. What I mean is... dad, listen, I keep writing about what I will do outside after I get vaccinated. I am that devoted to looking forward to my freedom."

"Let me guess, you wrote everything about vampires again."


"Just go dress up already!"




"We're here Klei, good thing you have a PWD card, you can get first in line."

"I am not very proud of my psychosocial disability as an advantage over everything. But hey, if it works it ain't stupid."

I went to go first in line and got myself vaccinated.

"You're not getting vaccinated dad?" I said after I exited the building with him. He didn't get the shot.

"It's a Chinese vaccine, I want Pfizer or AstraZeneca."

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