Volume 3: Book I - Chapter 1

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Divina Tenebris SAGA

Klei Nightwriter

Divina Tenebris: Penumbra

Part I: Hole-Dwelling

Chapter 1 - Reincarnation to The Pass

I was staked but I did not die... I was dormant, or did I die? Did they decapitated me and burned me with Latin chants of prayers after the final inquisition of vampires on the surface of the world that I incidentally caused during that night, and after dawn, continued it until every vampire and ghouls along with the vampire masters' servitors seize to exist? That I sent all of them to Hell for all eternity? I was given a chance... There was light after I was staked, but during being staked there was a dread of silence and everything went black slowly and slowly until there was nothingness in the void. There, when I felt I was burning I happened to see the light and the burning sensation stopped. The pain stopped, the traumas I had, the mental pain, everything that I felt while I was alive, nor was I dead already? Of course, I am... well, WAS a vampire now I am dead after I killed all of the damned in the mundane world of the surface. I saw the dove coming to me and spread its light along with its wings. There, there was Jesus.

"You've done enough now please stop..." he cried out to me and held me and I felt like a child again

He went through me and felt an amazing feeling of deja vu. God's fearsome yet divinely beautiful handsome face came upon me taller than mountains.

"I will give you an offer... you sought redemption all these years yet you never aged. You are damned. But I saved you for this time since you've been loyal to me regardless of your carnal desires you've done, both a sinner and a saint. That is what makes you... a human. A damned creature, who has human compassion, to punish evil sociopathic priests that are hypocritical and demons that walk the Earth along with false prophets with their mind control using my own name in Vain. I will give you one chance in order to seek redemption and I expect you to do it right this time. In advance, I will forgive you for every sin you've done, along with the ruthless murders just to survive and to gain your humanity. You took people's blood, blood is humanity, and without humanity they are monsters. You do not see it; you call everyone monsters hence they are actually human. You know such little things for your intelligent mind. Just like the fallen angel Lucifer, I did not give him a second chance, I gave you many chances each time you rebel because I knew you were good and kind-hearted. To drink the blood of the innocents just to gain your humanity, you are also sucking the humanity out of the humans hence turning them into demons such as yourself. That is how you gained your human compassion. That is why you subconsciously do not seek the blood of evil and rather kill them instantly without hesitation mercilessly. I will give you this one last chance to seek redemption. Do you understand my child?"

"Yes, Father..." I kneeled before him with my hand on my heart as I was bowing

"This chance, I will give you the power that only can be used once, you can take yourself back in time since the first night you were turned. And I expect you to do the right things this time. It's okay to sin, everyone does, but you, you are to be expected to do good in order to earn the redemption you well deserve to have."

"But my Lord! Will, not that grant the butterfly effect upon the world?"

"Do not question the absolute! I will give you another chance, the world will be the same anyway even with the butterfly effect, the human mind will still regress even if technology would not be bred. Technology is a gift in the mind of the brilliant madmen I bred unto the world of the Earth. And they use it for good. However, it had its adverse effect on the people. But that is not the point here my dear child. You are to be reincarnated back in time... which do you choose? The day you were born or the day you were embraced by the damned? You still get to keep your power of the inferno even as born to be. But remember, do this right. You will wake up and you will remember this as a dream. But keep in mind, this is a message to you."

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