Book II - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Day 2

The next morning... everyone was asleep drunk out of their damned minds. I went outside as I shook my head to get off my hangover and drank some coffee from Starbucks, I grabbed from the Mall yesterday.

I wrote everything that happened last night in my journal. And my journal's last list of things I must do for everyday survival. What I need to do is to find some UV lights, they can't burn on UV lights but it can blind them. It might blind me too but it's necessary. So, I told Jonathan to stay here for the day and look out for the team. I told them the only way to kill a vampire is to cut off their heads. Burning them might just kill them slowly but they have maximum pain tolerance. Staking their hearts will just paralyze them just in case. And told one of the scouts to go in a squad of 4 to find the perfect building as a new hideout for our friends, family, and loved ones along with our relatives close here to gather around and hide in there and I will get UV lights from DAU city which is the only thing I could find such a thing. DAU or Mabalacat city is the only place I can find to find such strong lights to ward off the volatiles. We call them volatiles now. And here also warned them not to get bit, being scratched is okay but being bitten, it's something only I can do something about but there might not be other options to save someone from vampirism. They either turn into a ghoul or a vampire, as long as they don't lose their humanity, they could be part of the Elites of the ranks as vampire hunters and fighters of the night.

I went to the driver using the map but it turns out his horse has died. So, I spent 7 hours going to DAU, his family and himself were killed by the volatiles. The longer I stay at night the more will come and the faster I run the more will chase me. I would be outnumbered. But the more human blood I drink the more power I gain to evolve powers. My pyrokinesis using shadows and the darkness is useless against them.

Since day 2 everyone in Mabalacat city has stakes and swords and torches ready for the night. I asked one of the locals if I could BUY UV lights. They asked me what I need them for. I didn't want them to tell them it wards off the volatiles so I told them it's a project for our faction. They don't know UV lights are as powerful as sunshine. So, I bought them using money. And then by 3:30 PM, I went back home as fast as I can stealing a bike that no one no longer owns. I used the bike to go all the way back to Betis and made it in time faster than the 7-hour walk. Bikes here are not found in Betis anyway. As I came back home it was sunset. I told them to set these up around and outside in 20-meter radius from inside and out of the headquarters which so happened that the squad of scouts told me that Rosario Memorial Hospital buildings are the only place we could find safe, too many rooms, and there are no one inside except a few people trying to survive, they were instantly recruited since they are witty enough to convince them their leader, myself, can help everyone in need. Vampire blood feeds me but to evolve more power is human. So, I need to be careful who I feed on this time.

We slept and I drank some bit of gin to sedate my mind to sleep.

I woke up the next day... I woke them up saying we need to go to our new base before someone else could take it. We gathered all of our family, loved ones, friends, the faction members of DL, and our relatives each of us here. We went to the building and dad was surprisingly proud of my job. He told me he was worried sick I was gone for a few days and he saw demons running outside at night and killing people and he had to hide and wait for me to return. Good thing I did today. They set up the UV lights and I did so as well and grabbed a huge reliable generator, we only need to use gasoline for this for the UV lights to work. Or some fuses inside the basement of the hospital buildings. Fuses and gasoline are the only protection to use UV lights. The cops in the plaza of Guagua saw what we were trying to do as they roamed the streets. I told them this will protect us from the monsters at night. They only come out when the sun is out. Since it's rainy season until March we have to set these up and run them 24/7. Though they don't see to come out no matter how dark and dimmed the day is with the rain. They must be using mind games. Doesn't matter. The cops wanted to be recruited to our faction since the government fell and they have no contact with the officials of the Philippines so they joined us instead. At least here they get to feed. As long as they do the jobs, I give them, they get to stay here as long as they need. And I'll do the rest by grabbing supplies with the other squads doing the same before sundown. Everyone was welcome to our faction but I had to interview each of them if they're trustworthy using my 7th Sense. And if I read their mind if they are traitors, I will tell the faction to leave us be so I can feed on them and kill them. And just tell them they're volatiles who can walk in the sun trying to sabotage us so the rest of their clan can infiltrate inside here. But there was this incident once that it happened once, I could easily read him and told him to take a walk with me privately outside and killed him by staking his heart, decapitated him, and burned him. After that, I do the sign of the cross.

I don't need to drink his blood that time he was pointless. But the human traitors trying to steal our food and run after will get bitten by me but no one here knows I am a vampire except Jonathan and my father. And of course, cousin Christian or Pogz.

Each person gets a fool's errand to test their capabilities. And they are recruited to their roles and ranks accordingly.

The Book of Voltaire 5 VOLUMED BUNDLETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang