Book I - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Ravenous Raven

I walked outside that night. It was the usual. I harnessed the mastery of vampirism. The house was beautiful. The workers got their last salary and they went home.

I went to visit Cristian to ask him what he thinks of the house he built for the family.

He asked me why I've been sleeping all day and walking all night. His connections outside Guagua told him all about me, going out with many people as almost popular as I already was.

I told them the nightlife is better, nothing more nothing less. Hid my true nature with a façade, but hey! Everyone has their own carnal desires; they hide that with their façade masks too. The entire society is nothing but a huge Veil's Mask.

Cristian told me just to be careful. I told him I know what I am doing. He told me if I wanted to drink with him. I told him no.

"I do not drink... wine."

But since I declined the offer politely, he just gave me a pack of cigarettes instead. And money. Since he knows I do love money. I just take money from the humans I victimize.

I went on and on all night, taking money from my victims, robbing them.

I left after a nightly visit after drinking a cup of black coffee and proceeded to...? WHERE ELSE?! MOTHERFUCKING GUAGUA!!! HELL YEAH!

So, then there I was at the bar, there was a woman there. As well the alias I go by is "Count" only a few people know my real name. Such as my relatives. And ex-friends who sought to betray me in the past 4 years ago but that does not matter anymore for they have disappeared, not in thin air but actually by ripping off their intestines and using those to strangle them, folding their bodies inside their own fridge and burning the damned place.

Those were my "friends", fake and plastic-like Barbie dolls. Most of them even had fake boobies.

As the night went on, I asked the woman if I could buy her a drink. She laughed quietly for a bit and I told her not to be shy, for everyone in town knows all about me. She asked me if I was the so-called Great Count Voltaire. I answered her honestly, ''Yes, that is me indeed. She shyly smiled at me. She had a bob cut, red silky hair, not even a single strand that is entangled, her hair was perfectly straight and at the right shape for a bob cut. Her eyes were most certainly like the stars which were beautified by her mascara and eyeliner, her lipstick stuck on her lips were red as blood crimson, and her smile was my last sunrise. I complimented all of these things to her. She asked me if I would tell this to every girl. I replied that in fact not to be in all honesty. This is the first time I met a woman this beautiful. She grinned and her teeth were white as the last unprinted snow... my death...

As she grins at me, I was lost and she told me she could use a drink. So, I told her it's on the house only just for her. I asked for her name. She told me... "Vayne". I asked her if I knew someone with that name. She told me she heard everything about me so she came all the way here to Guagua Pampanga from Quezon City. I might say that it is quite far for her to travel here just for my sake. I was surprised by this, did not expect this. The most interesting fact here is that I cannot even use auspex to read her mind nor can I seduce her with hypnosis, it's like it was me under her spell, and I was lured into her dark... or light?

She asked me if I wanted to drink something. After 9 shots of Vodka, she was still sober, she asked me why I had not drunk anything yet the whole time and just stared at her.

Like the saying goes...

"I do not drink... wine."

She laughed and asked me, ''What are you doing, Dracula or something?

I told her I came from his Bloodline. She laughed and took it as a joke when I intended to say it quite literally. I laughed as well pretending it was just a joke as well.

She asked about me, usually women I meet around here in this bar just go ask me to go sleep with them already so I can feed off them but her, she wanted to get to know me first... this is a start...

I used the full potential of my charisma but she was not affected as such. She had to leave but I pleaded to her to stay for a while first. Not because I wanted her blood but I was starting to think I'm feeling oddly different towards her... it is warm... inside of my non-beating heart.

She told me she'll come back here tomorrow night at this very same hour we first met.

I sighed and felt depressed. An old ugly bastard bartender asked me if I needed a drink for that. I told him no thanks and just paid for what she drank. I can't believe I was deceived that way! A HUMAN DECEIVING A VAMPIRE! The Underworld Government would not want a history like that. I feel ashamed. I went home before sunrise and began into my slumber.

The next night I went to the same bar agitated waiting for the woman a few hours early. I even refused to talk to other women. They were indeed disappointed and did not expect this. What is happening to me, am I going mad? Have I lost touch with reality now? I know nothing in my empty mind but her all over the place inside of my head. Then a few hours later she came in and went to her usual spot.

"Ah, Vayne!"

She greeted me with hello. This time my greatest trick.

"Vayne, look into my eyes."

I looked into her eyes deeply as she did and smiled asking me why.

"What is your deepest darkest most forbidden carnal desire?" this always works a hundred percent for sure!

She gazed into my eyes for a moment and just laughed. I asked her what's wrong and I was confused why I did not get to dominate and overpower her with my charms. She told me I'm funny. I asked her what is the real original reason why she came all the way here to Pampanga Province when it's so great in the city. I, myself always dreamed of going to Quezon City for a long time now as far as I can remember...

She told me this.

"What else? I already told you, I came for you."

My heart stopped. It skipped a beat. However, I felt like I was under her charms this time. This battle between two great illusionists, no she's just a human, but her scent was different, she can't be an illusionist. I asked her what she really wants from me, I told her I was agitatedly waiting for her for hours. She told me she came in an hour late just to see if I would leave. And by what I told her she knew how devoted I was to her. Devotion? What is that?! I don't quite understand the concept! I demanded to know what is this feeling I have for her. She told me...

"Maybe you're in love with me." She smiled

This can't be right. For a long time, I've searched for an eternal bride online and gave up. I lost my ability to feel love and it came back just at first sight.

"Tell me Count Voltaire... Do you believe in love at first sight?"

That got me thinking it, is she reading my mind?

"Come with me..."

I followed her outside and got into her car.

"Let's run away together... I ran away from home honestly... and heard that you can do favors... you did everyone a favor by giving them eternal life... I was stalking you the whole time to see if you could notice me but you didn't. My mother is abusive, she keeps hitting me. I wanted to run away and go to you. I heard everything about you online. You were famous on the internet. Discord, was it? I think I forgot but...-"

"Vayne... I know Vayne, this can't be a coincidence. You don't have to lie to me. You literally looked like her except the white pale skin is normal, the eyes are dark brown and not red, what you wear is casual unlike the other wears gothic Lolita dresses I gift to her, her hair used to be a bob cut when I first met her, but she had it long down to the ground. I haven't seen her since my call. I was too busy... with... things..."

"Well, you don't have to lie to me either, we both know each other well, you know what we're both talking about."

"Who are you really?"


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