Book I - Chapter 11.5

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Chapter 11.5 – Vampire Goes Back to School

During The Day, it was hard to get up. I went back to drinking sleeping pills at night time again. It depends, the sleep schedule is important as well as the right time and amount of drinking dopamine-inducing caffeinated beverages. I started to study at Guagua National College. I went to partake in the course Psychiatry. And then as soon as I entered, many, many of both unfamiliar and familiar faces of many women started sprinting at me. Thanks to my fame that I've outdone myself well to be known to the familiar places where I usually go every night, they saw me. Then asked too many questions at the same time. I was a bit annoyed to be honest. But I still had the act of charisma in order to keep myself entertained, saying one at a time. I answered all of their questions which drained me. But the more I stayed the more they went to me. At the time I had many friends across the campus. I was a part of a group of famous students. They have different personalities which I share with them. One is a chess player, one is an artist, one is a video game developer, one is the top student, one is a musician, and I am the writer. All of us in this small group are extremely fluent in English and the only thing that we all have in common we love the most is our addiction to caffeine. Every break time we don't eat but one of us brings a huge bottle of hot water that never gets cold, yes, we have those in the Philippines, quite a convenient little thing. Then we drink coffee. I'm the only one that loves black coffee here though. We walk around the campus and we are surrounded by the underlings of the school. With this group, I cannot be bothered by women anymore as they are out of my league now. Then here, it took me the entire school year to learn what I already know about psychiatry and psychology with the medicines and how they work in the brain and how they interact. Because since I got intrigued by how my pills work on my brain, I started self-studying in the bedroom alone all the time all day and all night about psychology and medicine and how they interact with other medications from prescription to over-the-counter medicines. Then another course intrigued me. I wanted to become a Blood Doctor. Psychiatry and Psychological medicine study do not intrigue me anymore and plus, I do not want to partake in taking care of patients who already lost their hope and sanity. Helpless little people. Terribly sad I might say. So, I went to study blood disorders the next year. Since I am a scholar no need to pay any tuition fee to switch to another class and course. Thanks to the money I saved up all this time in the first year of college I asked my father if I can study in the best university where they only accept the smartest students. It was UPCAT, the University of the Philippine College Admissions Test. I took that test and aced it as well. So, I went to study there and live there alone in my own apartment. My mother and father, especially my big brother, were very proud of me. I finally got back on my own feet but a lot better times than when I used to be smart back then in St. Mary's Academy in High School.

Here the most intriguing blood disorder I ever studied the most is Porphyria which is the blood disorder that once exposed to the sun, your skin will be blistered! And patients with this blood disorder are either rarely or often to drink blood from donors in order to reduce their psychological symptoms. These are types of weak generations of Vampires known as Thin-Bloods to the Veil's Mask Society. The Veil's Mask let me play a part as the Lunace Prince of Manila a long time ago, so this might be the perfect opportunity. I finished the first year of this course in college astoundingly! Since summer break I started to do my own research which I built my own laboratory inside of my apartment. I use my own blood as my own experiments and use cattle blood I take from local butchers that are fresh and still quite alive, I use them since they are the same as human's blood and of course the exact same taste of it, which I theorize why this blood sample of a cattle is the best substitute than a human's blood to use because that is illegal. Even if I do feed human blood, nowadays I stopped those nights. I feed on cattle's blood often and I barely eat food. But hey, cattle's blood is free anyway. So, I started studying what happens through a microscope as I examine what happens if the two blood samples interact, my vampire blood and the cattle's blood. It seems that it does some sort of "infection" like a virus. And then the cattle's blood sample turns into the same type of blood as mine once infected by my own blood, as if my vampire blood sample is consuming the blood sample of the cattle. Now I see how vampirism works in science, however, their supernatural limitless powers remain an occult mystery which I often partake in to study before 2 years ago. That was when I was under house arrest. I kept trying to study how the science of vampirism works. My red blood cells combine within the cattle's and the cattle's red blood cells get devoured by my own and they get infected. That is how it works as far as I've learned under a night. Now I will use my saliva. Since the Vampire's saliva is what keeps the human sedated and feels pleasure once bitten no matter how painful the vampire's kiss is on their necks.

I used my saliva sample and used it on the cattle, again I glanced through the microscope. It seems that it has some sort of devilish effect on it that no one has ever discovered before! My saliva has some kind of those purple cells that attach to all of the types of blood cells inside the cattle's sample. And here I can see that it makes them dormant as if they are dead cells now. But after some moments the purple cells of my saliva stay dormant and keep attached to the blood cells of the cattle, the cattle's blood cells awaken from dormancy again. As if it never died. Then I tried putting my saliva in it again and the more I put into it the more reactive the two cells interact with each other. Almost like a love potion. Now I see why a vampire's bite makes a victim feel pleasure like a body orgasm once bitten. That is why they never feel pain at all. They do not scream or anything. But this saliva is a contagion but it does not make anyone a vampire nor a ghoul. The vampire venom, however... is something I have never tried yet. The vampire venom gets released and injected into the blood of the victim once the vampire feeds. But how do I study that?

However, from my experience and occult studies and references. The vampire's venom will only turn someone into a ghoul, but if the human drinks vampire blood they turn into a vampire. But both cannot die, which is the only thing they have in common, HOWEVER...! The ghoul will be conscious eternally even if they rot and turn into dust, the minds and souls will be conscious for the rest of eternity feeling pain as an undead creature. A vampire however is extremely more complex than the simplicity of the ghoul. But a ghoul is something I would love to intrigue myself to learn more than about vampires. Since I've learned enough about vampires, what can a ghoul do?




I stopped studying college and started to fund my own foundation of my own research of the science of vampires, ghouls, and lycanthropes. And other supernatural creatures as well. Not only is it science but it has a twist of occult studies as well. At this foundation, I have a star pupil by the name of Jack. He had a history of his bloodline in his ancestry that they were vampire hunters and he himself is a dhampir. A dhampir is a hybrid of a vampire and a human. Neither of his parents was a pure vampire, but one was a part vampire and part human. Very little of his blood is a vampire, whilst the rest of his huge blood is a human. He has to be known to the little powers of the dark. Although he can walk in the sun just fine, he can see clearly in the daytime without sunglasses unlike I have to use. He can do all of the humane things he can. However, he has a problem with his hunger for blood. That is why I took him to work for me in the foundation to keep him humanely fed. This foundation was called...

"Hellsing Foundation"

I used the anime reference. Not only they study vampires both in science and occult, but we also trained many vampire hunters and hired a secret society member of the Catholic Church from the Van Helsing bloodline in Bucharest. The Foundation was located in London nearby the sea and has ships available ready to go abroad if I ever visit the Van Helsing bloodline families for my research and to train willing hunters. Even hypocritical as I seem, I only order them to hunt down rogue vampires who go wild out of nowhere. As for doing the Veil's Mask, a job I partake in, the Veil's Mask cannot be blown. There are many reasons why I am doing this. Such as keeping the vampire society safe from another witch hunt and vampire inquisition thanks to the rogue vampires who just kills and feeds losing their humanity, learn about the science behind the occult of these nocturnal creatures of the night, and writing my own books using the inspiring materials I get from such studies and experience. Where did I get this money to fund this organization?

From the Gokudo of course. I did as many assignments as I can for the Gokudo to fund my money for the foundation. I was in Japan those days after studying too much about cattle blood under the night. Then I went to Japan to do such gruesome tasks to gain enough money for an entire foundation. And more and more and more things have happened that I shouldn't tell you about.

Then... someone visited to see me.

"Doctor Alucard! The count wants to see you. He said he was looking for you, so he went to visit."

"The Count?"

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