Book II - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - 22/03/21

22nd of March 2021 the construction begins again for continuing of renovation of the house. I hope this never ends since my best brother here, my kyoudai from Sendhouse Family, we made a pact between the Kyokishi Family and the Sendhouse Family with all due respect for one another. And soon the Sendhouse Family moved from their branch away to here in the Okiwa Alliance using my money which made the Sendhouse and especially Jonathan respect me more. It's the cloudiest time of the year despite the summer season. It was almost raining droplets of water down onto the ground from the dark greyish skies.


"Yes, bro?!"

"There's no sunlight!"

"Yeah! Awesome right?"

"That means the vampire can go outside!"

"Klei shut your mouth and go back to your room." says dad and I just laughed it off coming back inside.

I went back outside a few moments later on writing my dream journal. I even had a dream I was in the Backrooms; it was a terrifying nightmare. I made it from Level 0 where there is nothing but the liminal spaces of the labyrinth maze that has no dead ends nor exits made it to narrow pathways up to elevators and stairs until to the boiler room and found the exit and when I saw the exit, I opened the door whilst being chased by monsters I saw the light, the light was the day time of my room. I woke up... being always in the dark of Level 2 of the backrooms which have 3 levels, from 0 to 2 made me learn Skiakenesis. Almost like Pyrokinesis but you bend shadow into the fire. That's where the edgy teenager role-players from the internet got the word "Shadowfire". Here this shadow fire bending of using my mind is what I call Skiakenesis. Fire comes from the Greek work Pyro which means heat, fire, high temperature, and Skia means Shadow in Greek which means shade and darkness. Combined together you get a cold temperature of fire known as SKiakinesis technique, power, and discipline of the vampire. No such vampire has mastered this within a day. Overnight by just dreaming of being trapped inside the backrooms for the entire night made me survive the monsters. The only way to get out of the backrooms is to ACTUALLY ESCAPE don't listen to the internet saying "The only way to escape the backrooms is to make it your home" no you will turn one of the creatures inside the backrooms and lose your sanity and you will hunt down every human trapped inside it. You have to run from it before it takes your sanity and your humanity away from your soul. I did not fight these monsters because it seemed like a complete nightmare to me thus, I already am insane went even way crazier since I spent 4 hours in the backrooms trying to find a way out. Here in the shadows of the boiler room where it is extremely claustrophobic narrow pathways. And too many lurking creatures in the darkness you have to hide, run, and try not to get yourself cornered in one tunnel when two on opposite sides are already ready to turn you into one of them. It's a horrible contagious disease that they spread to the humans inside the backrooms they infect you with their insanity no matter how crazy you already are, you will turn into a humanoid form of a monster worse than a vampire. I've never seen such a creature before to the point I am too afraid to fight it myself. All you can do is run. My powers don't work inside the backrooms, I have no vampirism and I am a human inside it. Without my powers, I can't fight back which is one of the big reasons I could not fight back the monsters. They suck the energy out of you from your fears. Fear Feasters. Huh funny, I used to have the alias Fear Feaster now it's Prince Alucard. I often change my aliases month by month years by years. I think I know the name Fear Feaster is a reference for Adventure Time that I watched on a 70-inch plasma screen TV on Netflix. They say watching TV makes you violent but taking someone else's TV will surely make them well goddamned violent. I had to use a flickering broken flashlight to get the hell out of the backrooms and I made it out finally. I think I no clipped from reality in my sleep. Good thing my sanity is back after that. Most people who made it out lose their sanity and get locked up in a psychiatric ward. I felt the nostalgic fear as if I was a child again lost in the department store of the mall when I was looking for my dad or mom when I got lost inside the huge huge mall.

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