Book II - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - 30 Years Later

There was a wandering vampire jumping from roof to roof and then entered to visit Madam Intersen who retired after the incident of the Underworld Government vampire inquisition. They kept these files and evidence of the existence of vampires and ghouls and such infernal creatures of the damned who crawled up to the surface of the mundane world as top classified and sent it to the SCP Foundation. But I was not locked up in the SCP Foundation but rather in the Vatican Archives for my heroism. For the first time in many decades, people misunderstood and took me as a villain everyone knows now... that I am a good-hearted saint. He wanted to punish evil to seek justice for the good people. I saved many lives that night I killed the vampires, there was no other vampire in the entire world that existed anymore, except for myself? I am already dead inside my coffin, staked but left to be buried under the ground of the underground archives of the Vatican church. Sealed for eternity. Even ghouls were killed, but werewolves were spared, servitors of vampires lost their masters and ceased to exist, and Madam Intersen retired because of what happened. Those Underworld Government fucks are trying to destroy the world thanks to this Gehenna and Final Nights delusion in their heads and they think I'm the crazy Lunace. And 30 years after that night. There was a young vampire boy that still lived today jumping on rooftops and went inside Madam Intersen's room through the window turning into a mist. And then... the alarm turned on as he turned into his human form. It looks like a child. A familiar face of a child. With the hooded leather coat, that was too big for him, and she spoke...

"Count Alucard... is that you?" she put down the gun

"Yes, you caught me. HAHA!! Well, what's the next mission Madam Intersen?"

"Well, I just need some company that's all."

"I can make you young again my dear countess..."

"Please do and let us reproduce GOOD vampires this time, and teach our children right..."

"Will do... my princess..."

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