Book II - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Thirstful of Eternal

I woke up that morning. I ate, drank coffee, smoked, brushed my teeth, and went outside again.

"Now who do I victimize this time?" I muttered

I went back to the cemetery where I saw an old face. A wolf under sheep's clothing. Terence Torres. The motherfucker who manipulated me just to steal my money and never came back paying for it.

"Oh, hey Klei!" he laughed with his frat friends.

"What kind of dream would you want to have tonight if you ever sleep?" I asked him

"Money of course, what else?" he chuckled with his frat friends.

"Dreams are sins that require no consequences. Remember that. But however, in the real world, sinning will require punishment. Especially in the afterlife."

"I have no idea what this crazy asshole is talking about! HAHAHA!!!"

"Here I'll give you money."


I gave him a briefcase full of cash.

"Woah! Hold on, you weren't holding anything a while ago-"

"Shhh, just take this. It's yours, it's your dream, your carnal desire."

"Pffft thanks you son of a bitch. I'm leaving you with this money in my hand! I'm going to have lots of women tonight!"

"Good luck..."

He went to the streets and he met lots of seductive women he could never comprehend. They looked so young, beautiful, and very sexy. With his idiocy, he tried to pay them like hookers. So, they all went with him and went to a motel. The women there had their hair turned into snakes and bit every part of his neck as he got his blood drained dry. And he died of shock instead of being drained of blood.

And then, I threw him across the fish pond beside the cemetery that night. He was just dreaming; I gave him that dream so he can at least feel pleasure in his life one last time before he gets punished by the devil and be tormented for all eternity.

I went outside of the cemetery and walked past the streets of San Nicholas 2nd. Chanchan saw me and he asked if I had any more of those power potions, I gave him. Lipovitan. I gave all of my money I stole from Terence Torres since he owes me and I'll just justify his actions by rewarding the good people such as Chanchan. I do not deserve a reward. I thought this money could be useful. It's odd though, he still kept that 200 pesos he stole from me 4 years ago. It was in his pocket, perhaps it's a different bill but the same price.

"Here Chan, take this, you can buy as much as you want but remember not to take more than once a day. That thing will keep you focused. But try not to get addicted, okay?"

"Gee, thanks Klei!"


I headed outside to the outside of the gardens of Betis Church. At the back entrance.

I sat down on one of the tables outside the 7-11 convenience store after buying myself a pack of red branded cigarettes and a can of Redbull.

I wrote all night in my little pocket journal that I finished all pages in under 30 minutes. I guess that isn't all night then but it felt like it was. I grabbed another stick and lit it up between my lips. I figured that I should do something. So, I headed home and wrote another sequel to my novel I wrote a few nights ago.

I ended up skipping my meds but it's a good thing I still kept my sanity intact with my brain. I took the late pills that morning after a whole night of not sleeping and fell asleep. That night later on I went to take a dump in the toilet. Not to mention I haven't showered in a few days since I went outside. I feel unclean. So, I washed off everything. I took all of my dirty clothes to the laundry shop that night. It used to be an internet café, a small one until the entire 3 lots have been bought thanks to the money, they saved up from local Filipino gamers who loves playing League of Legends at those good old days they bought 3 lots of the same place and besides those 3 lots is their mansion with a vape shop they own. When I was younger, they used to be salons in one row. Their house is a vape shop, next on the right is a laundry shop, a huge internet café, and a sari-sari store. Basically everything you need and also steam cards. I often buy steam cards there and buy games I love to play. But I saved up money and bought extra money for my Steam Wallet so I can buy "Vampire: The Veil's Mask – Bloodlines 2" since in July which is my birthday, I will gift myself that game, the first game of its Bloodlines 1 was the best vampire experience! And I couldn't wait to play the sequel. Thanks to Metal Gear Solid 3 and all other PS2 games and Halo games on the XBOX White Wolf Fiction and World of Darkness company didn't make a sequel as they had planned, they were losing the competition but this year in 2021 they are bouncing back with lots of visual novels and their own Tabletop RPG with the sequel of the first Bloodlines game of White Wolf fiction and World of Darkness company are striking into the world of gaming and swarm it with bats! They delayed their release until 2019 and I was disappointed I was about to buy it. After delaying it for 2 more years I gave up and spent my money on caffeine and cigarettes and hoodies. And other useless items.

But today in 2021 after Cyberpunk 2077 has been released and did not make it too mainstream because there are other better games and that Cyberpunk 2077 has delayed too late most gamers gave up on it and never bought it. They only got exciting thanks to Keanu Reeves.


And what I love about Keanu Reeves is that early in his age he played Johnathan Harker for the accurate book based on Bram Stoker's Dracula movie in 1992. The 1831 black and white picture show was... a bit corny. But hey it was hilarious about the fake acting and the toy bats they bred with obvious stings around their wings was funny but the budget they put up to the movie. Imagine renting a 120 Million castle just to make one movie! It's quite impressive for the first based Dracula movie unlike the illegal too-realistic rip-off of Dracula was Nosferatu, the German version of Dracula. You know, the front teeth of an old bald vampire in the black and white silent movie? Do you still remember that? I do. But it was too real. They had to make it illegal and never be shown to the public again. As far as I searched for the movie, it wasn't even on the pirated cracked movies anywhere. I go. I have Netflix but it's not enough. I need to know what fascinated people about Vampires. The first vampire film was Nosferatu. Yes, I have watched the 2002 movie "Shadow of the Vampire '' where it was behind the scenes of Nosferatu in color but I need to see the realism of vampirism into the human eyes! But good thing, now we're talking about it I know where to find it. Even if I pay for all of the online streaming services on the internet, I still haven't found the original first Nosferatu vampire movie. But I am intrigued. If you excuse me, I have found the film!

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