Book I - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Vaccinated

I got my first dose; I need to get the final dose in the 3rd week. At least I am now vaccinated. My father lets me outside, free!!! YES!!! I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED THIS!!! MORE THAN ANY CARNAL desires RATHER THAN JUST MERE UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF BLOOD!!!!!!

And then... I calmed down; I said those thoughts out loud. In the middle of inside the hospital right after getting vaccinated. They all laughed and they assumed confirmation of my PWD ID, a psychosocial disability. Instead of getting the usual reaction of them suspecting me of some cannibal that loves drinking blood or a vampire that lusts for bloodily red fluids, they just thought I was being silly because a psychotic person finally got vaccinated. I asked my father to at least give me money. So, he gave me 200 Pesos for the first day. I remember now, the curfew is up until 10 PM. I should not be outside too far beyond that clock. So, I went to Santo Cristo where it intersects from Guagua Plaza, to Santo Nino Chapel, and then Santo Nino Public Market. I headed to Santo Cristo to the back of the lot with a food stand with a cute femboy who was selling hotdogs.

"How much for one?" I asked lowering my sunglasses

"25 Pesos, it already comes with buns in it too. And any sauce you'd like."

"If I were to desire sauce it would be BBQ sauce for a hotdog on a stick. Imagine impaling meat like that... it almost sounds familiar like an old relative of mine."


"Vlad the Impaler of course."

"Are you going to buy it or not?"

"I would love some." I bought one and noticed she's also selling cigarette sticks.

"How much for Marlboro Red?"

"9 per stick."

"9 Pesos. You know lassie, that used to be cheap for me... but now I am restarting back to square one. Who owns this stand?"

"My boss. His name is Renfield."

"That's funny I know someone named Renfield."

"Maybe you know him."

"I most certainly do not. I know Renfield back in Transylvania Romania."


"Maybe he went here to visit me."

"Oh, he did mention about visiting someone here... but he needed extra cash to please that person."

"Look at me in the eye and tell me what you desire the most?"

"I... I want you... to fuck me... "


"Oh my god, I actually said that?! Hey! No! That's not what I meant- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"I'm a vampire lassie. This salon... you used to work here?"

"Renfield runs that salon, he wanted me to work as a food stand vendor for now."

"Don't you know how to cut hair? If I were to ask for a hairstylist, it would be you?"

She blushed, "Stop! Hehe..."

"Why would I stop making someone feel pleasure?"

"You really want to please me?"

"Why not?"

"Maybe we could go on a date tonight...? My shift here is over later, half-day."

"Of course, a gentleman would never decline such a young beautiful blood's request."

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