Book I - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - The Fool Moon

I waited inside Jonathan's house where his wife is around and also their baby daughter is watching My Little Pony on Netflix. I was the one who recommended that because I know a lot of bronies on the internet that love that shit. Looks like she's hooked into it though. Meanwhile, the night is falling and I am still waiting for him. It's almost the full moon now. And I need to watch over him in case he turns. So, I kept waiting. Until he came back home.

"Oh, why are you here?"

I went to his calendar of the house and pointed at the Full Moon phase on the same date as today.

"Oh... shit!"

"Yeah, it's better if we go to a forest."

"Right! Let's go!"

We left and ran as fast as we could to the forest.

The full moon has been seen and he turned. Good thing I have some extra clothes for him in case he turns back to normal.

He killed every animal and human insight and I just cheered for him. Then he ran up to me and I tamed him quickly. He whimpered. I commanded him at will for him to return to normal and he did. Then he woke up without remembering a thing and also gave him extra of my own clothes for him to keep.

"There is only one way you can stop yourself from turning into a level 0 werewolf. You have to keep eating as much flesh as you need, best if taken rarely but not raw. Before the full moon, you have to keep eating meat. Keep your stomach full. The only way a werewolf can turn back a human is if it is fed enough inside an empty stomach. But the full moon will turn you a bit hysterical. So, I'll give you my Xanax pill bottle in case every full moon, you have to drink it before nightfall. These will relax you. They helped me even if I'm a vampire myself."


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